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ConditionExposed Workers
AnemiaLead (battery reclaimers, shipyard workers)
AsbestosisShipyard workers and others exposed to asbestos fibers
AsthmaMeat wrappers, woodworkers, those exposed to platinum, nickel, solder, ammonia, cotton dust, formaldehyde, pesticides
ByssinosisCotton textile workers
CancerPeople who work with radioactive materials (health care, lab workers), x-ray workers (industrial and health care), miners
Carpal tunnel syndromeTypists, computer programmers, and other people who work with their hand s
Contact dermatitisHealth care workers using latex gloves, and florists
Decompression sicknessDivers, marine salvage workers
Hearing impairmentPeople who work in noisy environments without adequate ear protection
PneumoconiosisCoal miners
PneumonitisWood workers (esp. red cedar), mushroom growers, cheese hand lers, and farmers
SilicosisMiners, foundry workers
Skin granulomasBeryllium workers, e.g., in auto or aircraft industries
Tennis or golfer's elbowCarpenters, plumbers, and athletes
Vibration syndrome, including Raynaud's phenomenonTruck drivers, hand -vibrating drill operators, jackhammer workers