- The part of the body between the head and shoulders.
SEE: illus.; muscle for illus.
- The constricted portion of an organ, or that resembling a neck.
- The region between the crown and the root of a tooth.
anatomical n. of the humerus The constricted segment of the humerus between the head and the greater tubercle.
n. of the femur The heavy column of bone that connects the head of the femur to the shaft.
SEE: Madelung, Otto.
n. of the mand ible The constricted area below the articular condyle; the area of attachment for the articular capsule and the lateral pterygoid muscle.
surgical n. of the humerus The constricted part of the shaft of the humerus below the tuberosities. It is a common site of fracture. Surgery is often indicated because of potential compromise of the density of neurovascular structures in this region.
n. of the tooth The constricted area that connects the crown of a tooth to the root of a tooth.
n. of the uterus Cervix uteri.
webbed n.A broad neck as seen anteriorly or posteriorly. The breadth is due to a fold of skin that extends from the clavicle to the head. Webbed neck is present in Turner syndrome.