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Dupuytren, Baron Guillaume

(dŭ-pwē-tran' )

French surgeon, 1777–1835.

D. contracture Contracture of palmar fascia usually causing the ring and little fingers to bend into the palm so that they cannot be extended. This condition tends to occur in families, after middle age, and more frequently in men. There is no correlation between occupation and development of this condition. It is associated with liver disease and long-term use of phenytoin.

SEE: illus.

The cause is unknown.

The tissue causing the contracture is removed surgically.

D. fracture Fracture of the fibula occurring near the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. Although the exact definition is unclear, this fracture is often accompanied by concurrent rupture of the distal tibiofibular ligaments, medial deltoid ligament, and dislocation of the talus. The medial malleolus may also be fractured.

D. splint A splint used to prevent eversion in Pott fracture.