Plural: vaginae
[L. vagina, sheath]
A musculomembranous tube that forms the passageway between the cervix uteri and the vulva.
SEE: illus.
Anatomy: In the uppermost part, the cervix divides the vagina into four small vaulted cavities, called fornices: two lateral, the anterior, and the posterior. The bladder and urethra are adjacent to the anterior wall of the vagina, and the rectum is behind the posterior wall. The cavity of the vagina is a potential space; the walls are usually in contact with each other. Close to the cervix uteri the walls form a horizontal crescent shape, at the midpoint an H shape, and close to the vulva the shape of a vertical slit. The vaginal mucosa is stratified squamous epithelium that is very resistant to bacterial colonization. This lining is in folds called rugae, and the connective tissue external to it also permits stretching. The blood supply of the vagina is furnished from the inferior vesical, inferior hemorrhoidal, and uterine arteries. Except for the area close to the entrance, the vaginal tissue and mucosa contain few, if any, sensory nerve endings. The vagina is a passage for the insertion of the penis, for the reception of semen, and for the discharge of the menstrual flow. It also serves as the birth canal.
artificial v.A vagina constructed by plastic surgery for a patient whose vagina was removed for treatment of carcinoma or one who has congenital absence of the vagina.
bulb of v.The small erectile body on each side of the vestibule of the vagina.
SEE: vestibule of vagina.
v. fibrosa tendinis A fibrous sheath surrounding a tendon that usually confines it to an osseous groove.
foreign bodies in v.Objects that enter the vagina accidentally or are inserted deliberately. A great variety of foreign bodies may be present in the vagina, esp. in children. Foreign bodies in adults include vaginal tampons, pessaries, and contraceptive diaphragms. The treatment is to remove the foreign body. Antibiotic therapy is not usually necessary.
v. masculina Prostatic utricle.
v. mucosa tendinis A synovial sheath that develops about a tendon.
septate v.A congenital condition in which the vagina is divided longitudinally into two parts. This division may be partial or complete.