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(ar'kŭs )

Plural: arcus

[L. arcus, a bow]

In anatomy, an arch.

SEE: arch.

a. alveolaris mand ibulae The arch formed by the alveolar process of the body of the mand ible (lower jaw).

a. alveolaris maxillae Limbus alveolaris.

a. dentalis Dental arch.

a. juvenilis An opaque ring about the periphery of the cornea similar to arcus senilis but occurring in the young. It may be due to hypercholesterolemia, irritation or inflammation of the cornea, or a congenital anomaly.

a. senilis An opaque white ring about the periphery of the cornea, seen in the aged. It is caused by the deposit of fat granules in the cornea or by hyaline degeneration.

SEE: illus.