section name header


Antigen Name or DesignationAbbreviationThe Tumor It Detects or Monitors
Alpha-fetoproteinAFPNonseminomatous germ cell tumor
CA 15–3Breast cancer
CA 19–9Pancreatic cancer
CA 27–29Breast cancer
CA 50Gastrointestinal tract tumors
CA 125Ovarian/peritoneal cancer
CalcitoninMedullary cancer of the thyroid gland
Carcinoembryonic antigenCEAGastrointestinal tract tumors and tumors of solid internal organs
CD 20Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Cytokeratin fragment 21-1Lung cancer
Estrogen receptorERBreast cancer
HE4Ovarian cancer
Human chorionic gonadotropinHCGNonseminomatous germ cell tumors; choriocarcinoma
Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2HER2/neuBreast and gastric cancers; adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction
ImmunoglobulinsMultiple myeloma; Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
Microglobulin-beta 2 subunitb2–MMultiple myeloma
Neuron-specific enolaseNSEBroad variety of cancers, including small-cell carcinoma of lung
NY-BR-40 and othersBreast cancer
Prostate specific antigenPSAProstate cancer
ThyroglobulinThyroid cancer
Urinary tumor associated antigenUTAAMelanoma

Note: several antigens on this list also detect benign diseases and conditions.