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(lōb )

[L. lobus, fr. Gr. lobos, hull, pod, lobe]

  1. A fairly well defined part of an organ separated by boundaries, esp. gland ular organs and the brain.
  2. A major part of a tooth formed by a separate calcification center.

accessory l. of parotid A small lobe, variable in size, on the anterior surface of the parotid gland superior to the exit of the parotid duct.

anterior l.Adenohypophysis.

anterior l. of hypophysis Adenohypophysis.

anterior l. of pituitary gland Adenohypophysis.

azygos l.An anomalous lobe at the apex of the right lobe of the lung.

caudate l. of liver The irregular quadrangular portion of liver posterior to the porta hepatis and between the fissures for the vena cava and ductus venosus.

central l.Insula.

cerebellar l.One of the three major divisions of the cerebellum. The anterior lobe or paleocerebellum is largely concerned with coordinating posture and with the muscle tone of the trunk and limbs. The posterior lobe or neocerebellum is in a loop with the cerebral cortex and is concerned with muscle coordination and cybernetic adjustment of movements. The flocculonodular lobe or archicerebellum is part of the vestibular system and is concerned with balance.

l. of cerebrum The frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes and the insula.

flocculonodular l.The lobe of the cerebellum consisting of the flocculi, nodulus, and their connecting peduncles.

frontal l.The anterior part of a cerebral hemisphere anterior to the central sulcus and superior to the lateral (Sylvian) fissure.

hepatic l.A lobe of the liver.

insular l.Central lobe.

lateral l. of prostate The portions of the prostate located on each side of the urethra.

lateral l. of thyroid gland The two main portions of the thyroid, one on each side of the trachea, united below by the thyroid isthmus.

limbic l.The marginal section of a cerebral hemisphere on the medial aspect. SYN: gyrus fornicatus.

l. of lung One of the large divisions of the lungs: superior and inferior lobes of the left lung; superior, middle, and inferior lobes of the right lung.

l. of mammary gland One of the 15 to 20 divisions of the gland ular tissue of the breast separated by connective tissue and each possessing a duct (lobar duct) opening via the nipple.

occipital l.The posterior region of a cerebral hemisphere that is shaped like a three-sided pyramid.

olfactory l.The olfactory bulb and tract. SYN: rhinencephalon.

SEE: olfactory nerve for illus.

orbital l.The convolutions above the orbit.

pancreatic l.A round aggregation of gland ular tissue separated by connective tissue.

paracentral l.Paracentral lobule.

parietal l.The division of each cerebral hemisphere lying beneath each parietal bone.

posterior l.Neurohypophysis.

posterior l. of hypophysis Neurohypophysis.

posterior l. of pituitary gland Neurohypophysis.

prefrontal l.The frontal portion of the frontal lobe of the brain.

l. of prostate The lateral lobes and the middle lobe of the prostate gland .

pyramidal l. of thyroid A portion of the thyroid gland extending upward from the isthmus. It is extremely variable in size.

quadrate l. of liver An oblong elevation on the inferior (visceral) surface of the liver.

Riedel l.

SEE: under Riedel, Bernhard M. K. L..

spigelian l.Caudate lobe of liver.

temporal l.The portion of the cerebral hemisphere lying below the lateral fissure of Sylvius. It is continuous posteriorly with the occipital lobe.