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Evidence summaries

Cyclosporin for Psoriasis

Cyclosporin is effective at doses of 2.5 to 5.0 mg/kg/day for psoriasis. Intermittent treatment is safer than continuous dosage. Level of evidence: "A"

According to a systemati review 1 there is strong RCT evidence to support the use of cyclosporin, which was usually effective in inducing the remission of psoriasis when used in the dose range of 2.5 - 5.0 mg/kg/day. Doses above 5.0 mg/kg/day were associated with increased side-effects, which precluded any dose-related gains in efficacy. Maintenance treatment required a dose of 3.0 - 3.5 mg/kg/day, and although relapses were likely if the drug was given intermittently (as opposed to continuously), intermittent treatment appeared to be safer.


    • Griffiths CEM, Clark CM, Chalmers RJG,Li Wan Po A, Williams HC.A systematic review of treatments for severe psoriasis. Health Technol Assess 2000;4(40).

Primary/Secondary Keywords