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Evidence summaries

Blood Cultures in the Management of Non-Facial Cellulitis

Blood cultures may only rarely reveal the causative organism and may not be beneficial in guiding treatment of non-facial cellulitis. Level of evidence: "C"

A systematic review 1 including 17 observational studies with a total of at least 3316 subjects was abstracted in DARE. The largest study reported that only 2% of cultures were positive and the findings did not significantly affect patient management. A second study reported a positive culture rate of 5%, but only one result (in an immunocompromised patient) led to a change in patient management. The remaining studies concluded that blood cultures were unnecessary, had no significant impact on patient management, or provided insufficient data.


  • Stevenson A, Hider P, Than M. The utility of blood cultures in the management of non-facial cellulitis appears to be low. N Z Med J 2005 Mar 11;118(1211):U1351. [PubMed] [DARE]

Primary/Secondary Keywords