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Evidence summaries

Ultrasound in Musculosceletal Disorders

Ultrasound is not effective in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Level of evidence: "A"

The efficacy of ultrasound in musculosceletal disorders was assessed in a systematic review 1. 38 studies were includedevaluating the effects of ultrasound therapy for lateral epicondylitis (n = 6), shoulder pain (n = 7), degenerative rheumatic disorders (n = 10), ankle distorsions (n = 4), temporomandibular pain or myofacial pain (n = 4) and a variety of other disorders (n = 7). In 11 out of 13 placebo-controlled trials with validity scores of at least five out of ten points, no evidence of clinically important or statistically significant results was found. Statistical pooling was only feasible for placebo-controlled trials on lateral epicondylitis, and produced a pooled estimate for the difference in success rate of 15% (95% confidence interval -8% to -38%). The authors conclude there seems to be little evidence to support the use of ultrasound therapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. The large majority of 13 randomized placebo-controlled trials with adequate methods did not support the existence of clinically important or statistically significant differences in favour of ultrasound therapy.


  • van der Windt DA, van der Heijden GJ, van den Berg SG, ter Riet G, de Winter AF, Bouter LM. Ultrasound therapy for musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review. Pain 1999 Jun;81(3):257-71. [PubMed][DARE]

Primary/Secondary Keywords