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Replacement of Tracheostomy Cannule

A tracheostomy cannule should be changed at regular intervals, usually every 4 (-8) weeks. The cannule set is spread on a sterile cloth, and the mandrine is inserted into the cannule. Before the procedure mucus is gently aspirated from the mouth and from the old cannule. Oxygen can be given just before the procedure to prevent hypoxia. Apply lidocaine or lubricant jelly on the margins of the tracheostomy opening. If the opening is tight, a nasal speculum can be used to dilate it during insertion of the cannule (A). Usually the cannule can be inserted easily without speculum (B). Remove the mandrine rapidly to allow airflow. The inner cannule is inserted and locked in place.

Replacement of Tracheostomy Cannule!!video!!

Replacement of tracheostomy cannule

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