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Evidence summaries

Recruitment of Women by Gps for Pap Tests

Both GP reminders and patient reminders are effective in increasing participation in PAP smear tests. Level of evidence: "A"

A systematic review 1 including 10 RCTs with a total of 2,881 women receiving patient reminders and 7,899 women receiving reminders from GPs was abstracted in DARE. Women who had received GP reminders were more likely to have the test compared with controls, risk difference 6.6% (95% CI 5.2 to 8.0%), NNT 15.2. The summary risk difference for patient reminder studies was 4.9 (95% CI 2.6 to 7.2), NNT 20.3.


  • Pirkis JE, Jolley D, Dunt DR. Recruitment of women by GPs for pap tests: a meta-analysis. Br J Gen Pract 1998 Sep;48(434):1603-7. [PubMed][DARE]

Primary/Secondary Keywords