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Evidence summaries

Chlorhexidine for Aphthous Stomatitis

Chlorhexidine may be effective in reducing the time with ulcers in patients with recurrent aphthous ulceration. Level of evidence: "C"

A topic in Clinical Evidence 1 summarizes the results of 5 RCTs (203 people with recurrent aphthous ulceration) comparing chlorhexidine gluconate or similar preparations with inactive control preparations. Four of the trials used a cross-over design. Two RCTs found that chlorhexidine reduced the ulcer day index compared with a control preparation, one found no difference. The mean duration of individual ulcers was reduced in all four RCTs assessing this outcome, but the difference was significant in only one RCT. Clinical Evidence category: Likely to be beneficial.

Comment: The quality of evidence was downgraded by imprecise data and by inconsistency of results.


  • Porter S, Scully C. What are the effects of treatments for recurrent aphthous ulcers. Aphthous ulcers (recurrent). Clinical Evidence 2005;13:1688-1691.

Primary/Secondary Keywords