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Evidence summaries

Recordings or Summaries of Consultations for People with Cancer

The provision of recordings or summaries of key consultations may benefit most adults with cancer. Level of evidence: "C"

A Cochrane review (abstract , review [Abstract]) included 16 studies with a total of 2 318 subjects. The studies did not all measure similar outcomes. In 12 studies, between 60% and 100% of participants found reading the summary of their consultations or listening to the recording at least once valuable. Five out of nine studies reported better recall of information for those receiving recordings or summaries. Three out of ten studies found that participants provided with a recording or summary were more satisfied with the information received. No studies (out of ten) found any statistically significant effect on anxiety or depression. Three studies evaluated the effects on quality of life, but found no main effects. No study evaluated the intervention's effects on survival. The relative effects of audio recordings and written summaries could not be compared.

Comment: The quality of evidence is downgraded by inconsistency (heterogeneity in interventions and outcomes) and study quality (inadequate or unclear allocation concealment).


  • Pitkethly M, Macgillivray S, Ryan R. Recordings or summaries of consultations for people with cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008 Jul 16;(3):CD001539. [PubMed]

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