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Non-Binary Gender Identity

  • A person's experience of their gender may not always conform with their physical characteristics. When it is clear, structured, long-standing and independent of any concomitant mental disorders, experienced gender is a part of healthy gender diversity.
  • Non-binary identity refers to a situation where a person does not identify with either binary gender (female, male). The person's gender identity may be somewhere between male and female, partially male and partially female, completely outside this classification or genderless.
  • Non-binary gender identity may involve dysphoria concerning either the social role or the body, i.e. anxiety and impaired psychosocial functioning due to bodily features. Some people with non-binary identity wish to have sex reassignment therapy to alleviate such effects. The appropriateness of such treatment is assessed in specialized gender identity clinics.

Differential diagnosis

  • Identification with the gender defined at birth may be transiently challenging, resembling a non-binary identity, during the period of growth in adolescence and when reaching adulthood, and more permanently in people with autism spectrum disorders or emotionally unstable personality.
  • Experiencing one's own body as alien may occur in association with eating disorders, unresolved trauma or dissociation.
  • People with such challenges may also have a non-binary gender identity.


  • Any other need for psychiatric treatment should be assessed and such treatment organized in primary health care, and patients should be referred for examination at a specialized gender identity clinic, if they so wish.
  • Find out about local and national availability of such services and their instructions for referral.
  • Treatment should always be planned individually, hearing the patient's wishes.

Sex reassignment therapy

  • Gender dysphoria can be alleviated by measures, such as
    • correction of the first name
    • hormonal treatment
    • surgical masculinization of the chest
    • epilation treatments of facial hair
    • speech therapy.
  • Sex reassignment therapy appears to alleviate gender dysphoria and to improve psychosocial functioning and quality of life. Nevertheless, for the time being, there is relatively little scientific research available on this subject.


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