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Guidelines for Antimicrobial Therapy

  • These guidelines (tables T1 and T2) have mainly been collected from other guidelines in the EBM Guidelines.
  • From the pharmacokinetic point of view, the best dosing frequency for amoxicillin (+clavulanic acid) and cephalexin is 3 times per 24 hours. More infrequent dosing, i.e. 2 times per 24 hours, may improve the regularity of medicine intake particularly in milder infections.
  • A high proportion of patients with mild sinusitis, otitis media or bronchitis recover well without antimicrobial therapy.


Recommendations for antimicrobial treatment in common paediatric infections (the numbers indicate priority)

Indication, drugDosageRemarks
Tonsillitis (streptococcal) Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis in Children. Treatment duration 10 days if not otherwise mentioned
1.Penicillin V50 000-100 000 IU/kg/day divided into 3 doses, treatment duration 10 days
2.Amoxicillin50 mg/kg/day divided into 3 dosesEspecially in small children who refuse to take penicillin.
3.Cephalexin40-50 mg/kg/day divided into 3 dosesIn penicillin allergy without anaphylaxis. Shorter duration of treatment (3-6 days) can be considered, if e.g. the child has difficulties with the intake of a long drug course.
4.MacrolidesAzithromycin10-20 mg/kg/day as a single dose, treatment duration 3 daysIf the alternatives 1, 2 and 3 are not suitable, macrolides can be used as allowed by the local resistance situation or if sensitivity testing has been performed.
RoxithromycinAvailable as tablets only
Clarithromycin15 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses
Sinusitis Sinusitis in Children. Treatment duration 7 days if not otherwise mentioned. Antimicrobial treatment is considered if sinusitis symptoms remain similar for more than 10 days, become worse after 5 days from onset or are severe.
1.Amoxicillin40-80 mg/kg/day divided into 2 or 3 doses
2.Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid40/5.7-80/11.4 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses
3Doxycycline200 mg in a single dose on the first day, thereafter 100 mg once dailyOnly for children over 8 years old, weighing over 50 kg
4.Sulpha-trimethoprim25 + 8 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses
MacrolidesAs in tonsillitis
Otitis media Acute Otitis Media in Children: Treatment, Follow-Up and Prevention. Treatment duration 5-7 days. Otitis media often heals without antimicrobial treatment.
1.Amoxicillin40 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses
2.Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid40/5.7 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses
3.Sulpha-trimethoprimAs in sinusitis
Pneumonia Pneumonia in Children. Treatment duration 7 days.
1.Amoxicillin50-80 mg/kg/day divided into 3 doses
2DoxycyclineFirst day 4 mg/kg twice, then 2-4 mg/kg once dailyFor over 8-year-olds when Chlamydia pneumoniae or mycoplasma infection is suspected. The dose is rounded off to 100 and 150 mg tablet sizes.
3.Cephalexin50 mg/kg/day divided into 3 dosesIn penicillin allergy
4.MacrolidesAzithromycinAs in tonsillitisIf, based on the clinical picture, mycoplasma is suspected, combining amoxicillin with macrolide may be considered, but macrolide should not be used as sole antimicrobial.
Urinary tract infection Urinary Tract Infection in a Child in outpatient care. Treatment duration in infants 10 days, for cystitis in older children 5 days.
1.Nitrofurantoin5 mg/kg/day divided into 2 dosesInfection at bladder level
2.Trimethoprim8 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses
3.Pivmecillinam, cephalosporins, sulpha-trimethoprim or amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
4.Sulpha-trimethoprim25 + 8 mg/kg/day divided into 2 dosesInfection at kidney level
5.Cephalexin50 mg/kg/day divided into 2-3 doses
Impetigo Impetigo and other Pyoderma. Treatment duration 7 to 10 days.
1.Cephalexin50 mg/kg/day divided into 3 dosesTopical treatment (fusidic acid or combination of neomycin and bacitracin) is sufficient in infections limited to a small area.
2.Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid40/5.7 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses
3.Flucloxacillin30-50 mg/kg/day divided into 3 dosesTablets only, not for children weighing less than 40 kg
4.Clindamycin8 mg/kg/day divided into 3 dosesIn cephalosporin allergy
Purulent skin infection caused by staphylococci
1.Cephalexin50 mg/kg/day divided into 3 dosesNote! MRSA strains Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria in Hospitals are also encountered in outpatient care, cephalosporins are ineffective; medication is chosen according to sensitivity testing.
2.Flucloxacillin30-50 mg/kg/day divided into 3 dosesTablets only, not for children weighing less than 40 kg


Recommendations for antimicrobial treatment in common infections in adults (the numbers indicate priority)

Indication, drugDosageRemarks
Tonsillitis (streptococcal) Sore Throat and Tonsillitis. Treatment duration 10 days if not otherwise mentioned.
1.Penicillin V2-3 million IU divided into 3 doses
2.Cephalexin500 mg 3 times dailyIn penicillin allergy without anaphylaxis
3.MacrolidesAzithromycin500 mg once daily, treatment duration 3 daysIf the alternatives 1 and 2 are not suitable, macrolides can be used as allowed by the local resistance situation or if sensitivity testing has been performed.
Roxithromycin150 mg twice daily
Clarithromycin250-500 mg twice daily
4.Clindamycin300 mg 3 times daily
For recurrent tonsillitis
First-line drug for patients with anaphylactic penicillin allergy
Sinusitis Acute Maxillary Sinusitis or otitis media Acute Otitis Media in Adults. Treatment duration 7 days if not otherwise mentioned. Antimicrobial treatment is considered in patients with sinusitis symptoms for more than 10 days and with verified discharge in the sinuses.
1.Amoxicillin500 mg 3 times daily or 750 mg 2-3 times daily
2.DoxycyclineInitial dose 150-200 mg, thereafter 100-150 mg once daily
3.Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid500/125 mg 3 times daily or 875/125 mg 2-3 times daily
4.Sulpha-trimethoprim500 mg/160 mg twice daily
5.MacrolidesAs in tonsillitisOnly if allergy to other drugs
Pneumonia Pneumonia, community-acquired, in outpatient care. Treatment duration at least 5-7 days. Usually the treatment can be discontinued after 10 days.
1.Amoxicillin1 g 3 times daily or 750 mg 3-4 times dailyDoes not cover Chlamydia pneumoniae or mycoplasma
+ roxithromycin or300 mg once dailyIn combination with amoxicillin if the aim is to cover Chlamydia pneumoniae and mycoplasma; not to be used as the sole drug
+ azithromycin or500 mg once daily for 3 days
+ clarithromycin or500 mg once daily
+ doxycycline100 mg twice daily
2.Moxifloxacin400 mg once daily for 10 daysTo be considered if there is a history of treatment with some other antimicrobial drug in the past 3 months or a travel abroad, or the patient has a severe underlying disease
Levofloxacin500 mg 1-2 times daily or 750 mg once daily for 10 days
Secondary drug for patients with penicillin allergy and alternative in mild pneumonia when the aim is to cover also Chlamydia pneumoniae and mycoplasma
Doxycycline100 mg twice dailyNot to be used as the sole drug in pneumonia with severe symptoms. Increased resistance in pneumococcal strains limit the use of the drug.
Pneumonia Pneumonia, community-acquired, treated in the hospital
1.Cefuroxime*1.5 g 3-4 times daily i.v.Especially if the pneumonia diagnosis is uncertain
Penicillin G*2 million IU 6 times daily or 2.5-5 mill. IU 4 times daily i.v.Young fit patient with lobar pneumonia
2.Moxifloxacin400 mg once daily i.v. or p.o.Change over to peroral administration as soon as possible
Levofloxacin500 mg twice daily or 750 mg once daily i.v. or p.o.Change over to peroral administration as soon as possible
* May be combined with an oral macrolide or doxycycline to cover Chlamydia pneumoniae and mycoplasma
Urinary tract infection (cystitis) Urinary Tract Infections in outpatient care. Treatment duration 3 days. The local resistance pattern should guide the choice of drug.
Trimethoprim160 mg twice daily or 300 mg once dailyVarying resistance
Nitrofurantoin75 mg twice dailyNot in renal insufficiency
Effective against multiresistant strains of E. coli and Klebsiella
Pivmecillinam200 mg 3 times daily or 400 mg twice dailyNot effective against Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Fosfomycin3 g single doseSpecial permit may be required
Urinary tract infection (cystitis): special situations
Renal insufficiency: cephalexin, amoxicillin, pivmecillinam; note decreased dosage
Pregnancy: pivmecillinam (not repeatedly), nitrofurantoin (not to be used close to labour, pregnancy weeks 38-42), cephalexin, amoxicillin according to the antibiogram; duration of treatment 5 days
Men: duration of treatment 7 days, in febrile cystitis 10-14 days. Drugs: trimethoprim, sulpha-trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin or fosfomycin. An urinary tract infection in a male patient necessitates further urological investigations.
Urinary tract infection with fever (pyelonephritis). Treatment duration in women 5-7 days and in men 10-14 days.
1.Fluoroquinolone orallyCiprofloxacin 500 mg twice daily
Levofloxacin 500-750 mg once daily
Note! Oral norfloxacin should not be used in the treatment of complicated pyelonephritis.
The number of pathogens resistant to fluoroquinolones is on the increase and consequently checking the urinary culture result is particularly important.
2.Cefuroxime750-1 500 mg 3 times daily i.v.When oral treatment is not feasible. Further treatment with a fluoroquinolone, with a first generation cephalosporin or with sulpha-trimethoprim p.o.
3.Sulpha-trimethoprim500-800 mg + 160 mg twice dailyIf the strain is known to be sensitive
Mastitis Lactational Mastitis. Treatment duration 10-14 days. In non-breastfeeding women, a mammography should always be performed after the treatment, in order to rule out possible carcinoma.
1.Cephalexin500 mg 3 times daily
Flucloxacillin750 mg 3 times daily
2.Roxithromycin150 mg twice dailyOr some other macrolide
Erysipelas Erysipelas. Total treatment duration of 7-14 days is usually sufficient. If erysipelas frequently recurs, long-term prophylactic medication should be considered.
1.Penicillin G; in a mild case treatment may be started directly with oral penicillin V1-3 mill. IU 4 times daily i.v.Further treatment p.o.:
Procaine penicillin1.5-3 mill. IU once dailyFurther treatment: see penicillin G
2.Cefuroxime1 500 mg 3 times daily i.v.For patients with allergy for penicillin, further treatment with cephalexin 500-1 000 mg orally 3-4 times daily
Clindamycin300-600 mg 4 times daily i.v.For patients with allergy for penicillin, further treatment with 600-1 800 mg/day orally divided into 3-4 doses
Prophylactic medication: penicillin V 1-2 mill. IU/day p.o. or benzatine penicillin 1.2-2.4 mill. IU i.m. every 4 weeks (the interval of the injections is adjusted according to response)
Purulent skin infection caused by staphylococci. Treatment duration 7-10 days.
1.Cephalexin500-750 mg × 2-3Note! MRSA strains Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria in Hospitals are also encountered in outpatient care, cephalosporins are ineffective; medication is chosen according to sensitivity testing,
Flucloxacillin750 mg 3 times daily
2.Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid500/125 mg 3 times daily or
875/125 mg 2-3 times daily
In the case of hypersensitivity, other antimicrobial drugs effective against staphylococci can be used as an alternative, for example clindamycin or a combination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.
Primary eradication of Helicobacter pylori Peptic Ulcer Disease, Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Chronic Gastritis. Treatment duration 7 days.
Amoxicillinor1 000 mg twice dailyRecurrent infection, see Peptic Ulcer Disease, Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Chronic Gastritis.
metronidazoleand400 mg 3 times dailyIn penicillin allergy
clarithromycinand500 mg twice dailyRecurrent treatment after one failed treatment: amoxicillin 1 g twice daily + levofloxacin 500 mg once daily + PPI, all for 10 days.
In patients with penicillin hypersensitivity, amoxicillin can be replaced by tetracycline 500 mg 4 times daily.
proton pump inhibitorNormal dose twice daily
Campylobacter infection Diarrhoeal Diseases Caused by Microbes. Treatment duration with azithromycin 3 days, with roxithromycin and clarithromycin 10 days.
Azithromycin500 mg once dailyIn strains brought from abroad, resistance to fluoroquinolones is common.
Roxithromycin150 mg twice daily
Clarithromycin500 mg twice daily
Salmonella gastroenteritis Diarrhoeal Diseases Caused by Microbes, caused by some other agent than S. Typhi or S. Paratyphi*
Ciprofloxacin500 mg twice daily for 3 days (if the symptoms are moderate to severe)Always assess the need for antimicrobial treatment individually; strains resistant to fluoroquinolones are common; see Diarrhoeal Diseases Caused by Microbes
* In a suspected S. Typhi or S. Paratyphi infection: ceftriaxone i.v., in a confirmed case combine it with azithromycin or ciprofloxacin
Gonorrhoea Gonorrhoea
500 mg i.m. single dose
Complicated disease: 1 g once daily i.m. for 3-5 days
In combination with lidocain.In addition oral azithromycin 2 g, if antibiotic sensitivity is not known.
2.Spectinomycin2 g i.m. as a single doseIn cephalosporin allergy (special permit may be required)
Chlamydial urethritis or cervicitis Chlamydial Urethritis and Cervicitis
1.Azithromycin1 g as a single doseAlso during pregnancy
2.Doxycycline100 mg twice daily for 7-10 days
Lymecycline300 mg twice daily for 7-10 days