- Abdominal Lift for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Ablation and Pacing Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation
- ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers for Diabetics with Microalbuminuria
- ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers for Progression of Non-Diabetic Renal Disease
- ACE Inhibitors and other Antihypertensive Drugs in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
- ACE Inhibitors and Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients Following Acute Myocardial Infarction
- ACE Inhibitors for Secondary Prevention after Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction
- Active Chest Compression-Decompression for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- Active Versus Expectant Management for Women in the Third Stage of Labour
- Acupuncture for Acute Stroke
- Acute Coronary Syndrome and Myocardial Infarction - Related Resources
- Acute Heart Failure and Pulmonary Oedema - Related Resources
- Acute Pancreatitis - Related Resources
- Adjunctive Corticosteroids for Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia in Patients with HIV-Infection
- Adjunctive Therapies for AIDS Dementia Complex
- Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Endometrial Cancer after Hysterectomy
- Advanced Life Support Training in Trauma Life Support for Ambulance Crews
- Adverse Effects of Hypertension Treatment during Pregnancy
- Albumin for Resuscitation and Volume Expansion in Critically Ill Patients
- Aldosterone Receptor Antagonists Spironolactone and Eplerenone for Congestive Heart Failure
- Allergic Reactions and Adverse Effects of Glaucoma Treatment
- Alpha-2 Adrenergic Agonists for the Prevention of Cardiac Complications Among Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
- Alpha-2 Adrenergic Agonists for the Prevention of Cardiac Complications Among Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery
- Alpha-Fetoprotein and/or Liver Ultrasonography for Liver Cancer Screening in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B
- Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Altered Dietary Salt Intake in Chronic Kidney Disease
- Alternative Versus Standard Packages of Antenatal Care for Low-Risk Pregnancy
- Amiodarone and Flecainide in the Treatment of Resistant Atrial Fibrillation
- Amiodarone for Maintaining Sinus Rhythm after Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation
- Amiodarone for Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death
- Amphotericin B Versus Fluconazole for Controlling Fungal Infections in Neutropenic Cancer Patients
- Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids for Alcoholic Liver Disease
- Anaesthesiology…
- Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in Coronary Artery Disease and Preserved Left Ventricular Systolic Function
- Angiotensin Receptor Blockers for Heart Failure
- Antenatal Cardiotocography for Fetal Assessment
- Antenatal Clinics: Care and Examinations - Related Resources
- Antenatal Clinics and Specialist Care: Consultations, Referrals, Treatment Guidelines - Related Resources
- Antenatal Corticosteroids for Fetal Lung Maturation for Women at Risk of Preterm Birth
- Anti-Angiogenic Therapies for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis Against Infection of Pancreatic Necrosis in Acute Pancreatitis
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Neutropenic Patients
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Preventing Meningitis in Patients with Basilar Skull Fractures
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cirrhotic Patients with Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cirrhotic Patients Without Gastro-Intestinal Bleeding
- Antibiotic Regimens for Secondary Peritonitis of Gastrointestinal Origin in Adults
- Antibiotics for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
- Antibiotics for Eradicating Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in People with Cystic Fibrosis
- Antibiotics for Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Antibiotics for Leptospirosis
- Antibiotics for Preterm Rupture of Membranes
- Antibiotics for Secondary Prevention of Coronary Disease
- Antibiotic Therapy for Preventing Infections in Patients with Acute Stroke
- Anticholinergic Burden (Prognostic Factor) for Prediction of Cognitive Decline in Older Adults with No Known Cognitive Syndrome
- Anticoagulants for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Anticoagulants for Non-Rheumatic Atrial Fibrillation and a History of Stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attacks
- Anticoagulants Versus Nsaids or Placebo for Venous Thromboembolism
- Anticoagulant Treatment in Acute Cardioembolic Stroke
- Anticoagulation for Heart Failure in Sinus Rhythm
- Anticoagulation for the Intial Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Cancer
- Anticoagulation for the Long Term Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Cancer
- Anticoagulation for Thrombosis Prophylaxis in Cancer Patients with Central Venous Catheters
- Antifibrinolytic Therapy for Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
- Anti-Fibrinolytic Use for Minimising Blood Transfusion during Major Surgery
- Antifungal Prophylaxis for Cryptococcal Disease in Adults with HIV
- Antifungal Prophylaxis in Non-Neutropenic Critically Ill Patients
- Antifungal Therapy in Infants and Children with Invasive Fungal Infections
- Antihypertensive Agents for Preventing Diabetic Kidney Disease
- Antihypertensive Therapy in Patients Having Already Suffered from Stroke
- Antihypertensive Treatment for Kidney Transplant Recipients
- Antioxidants in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Antioxidant Supplements and Mortality
- Antioxidant Supplements for Liver Diseases
- Antioxidant Supplements for Preventing Gastrointestinal Cancers
- Antiplatelet Agents for Intermittent Claudication
- Antiplatelet Agents for Preventing Thrombosis after Peripheral Arterial Bypass Surgery
- Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Agents for Secondary Prevention of Stroke and other Thromboembolic Events in People with Antiphospholipid Syndrome
- Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation for Patients with Prosthetic Heart Valves
- Antiproteinuric and Renoprotective Effects of ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers
- Antithrombin III for Critically Ill Patients
- Antithrombotic Agents in Primary Health Care - Related Resources
- Antithrombotic Drugs for Carotid Dissection
- Antithrombotic Therapy for Women Considered at Risk of Placental Dysfunction
- Antithrombotic Treatment after Stroke Due to Intracerebral Haemorrhage
- Antitumour Antibiotic Containing Regimens for Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Antiviral Therapy for Recurrent Liver Graft Infection with Hepatitis C Virus
- Antiviral Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis C in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection - Related Resources
- Aromatase Inhibitors Vs. Tamoxifen in Postmenopausal Women with Early Breast Cancer
- Artemether for Severe Malaria
- Artificial and Bioartificial Support Systems for Liver Failure
- ASA for Hypertension
- Aspirin Resistance and Risk of Cardiovascular Morbidity
- Assessment of Physical and Cognitive Functioning - Related Resources
- Association Between Smoking and Incidence of Cancer
- Association of Glycaemic Control and Complications of Type 2 Diabetes
- Association of Systolic Blood Pressure and Complications of Type 2 Diabetes
- Atenolol for Preventing Stroke Recurrence
- Atorvastatin Vs Simvastatin or Pravastatin for Cholesterol Lowering in Primary Hypercholesterolemia and Mixed Dyslipidemias
- Axillary Treatment for Operable Primary Breast Cancer
- Azathioprine for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Banding Ligation Versus Beta-Blockers for Primary Prevention in Oesophageal Varices in Adults
- Band Ligation for Primary Prevention of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Adults with Cirrhosis and Oesophageal Varices
- Barbiturates for Acute Traumatic Brain Injury
- Bed Rest for Myocardial Infarction
- Belimumab for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Benefit of Different Cholesterol-Lowering Interventions
- Beta-Blockers after Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Beta-Blockers Against other Antihypertensive Drugs
- Beta-Blockers for Congestive Heart Failure in Children
- Beta-Blockers for Heart Failure
- Beta-Blockers for Hypertension
- Beta-Blockers for Mild to Moderate Hypertension in Pregnancy
- Beta Blockers for Unstable Angina
- Betablockers in Patients Without Heart Failure after Myocardial Infarction
- Beta-Blockers in the Prevention of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with Cirrhosis and Esophageal Varices
- Betamethasone for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura during Pregnancy
- Betamimetics for Preterm Labour
- Bicycle Helmet Legislation for the Uptake of Helmet Use and Prevention of Head Injuries
- Bifurcation Grafts for Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease
- Bile Acids for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and/or Steatohepatitis
- Bile Acids for Viral Hepatitis
- Biochemical Placental Function Tests for Foetal Assessment
- Bisphosphonates in Multiple Myeloma
- Blood Pressure Lowering Efficacy of Renin Inhibitor Aliskiren for Primary Hypertension
- Blood Pressure Targets for Hypertension in Older Adults
- Blood Pressure Targets for People with Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease
- Brain Contusion - Related Resources
- Breast Cancer - Related Resources
- Breastfeeding and the Late Postnatal Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV
- Breast Stimulation for Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labour
- Brief Interventions for Heavy Alcohol Users
- B-Type Natriuretic Peptide-Guided Treatment for Heart Failure
- By How Much and How Quickly Does Reduction in Serum Cholesterol Concentration Lower Risk of Ischaemic Heart Disease
- Bypass Surgery for Chronic Lower Limb Ischaemia
- Cabg Versus Ptca in Multi-Vessel Coronary Disease
- Calcimimetics for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
- Calcineurin Inhibitor Withdrawal or Tapering for Kidney Transplant Recipients
- Calcium Antagonists for Stroke
- Calcium Channel Blockers for Inhibiting Preterm Labour
- Calcium Channel Blockers Versus other Classes of Drugs for Hypertension
- Cancers of the Head and Neck - Related Resources
- Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy for Patients with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction
- Cardiology…
- Cardiotocography Versus Intermittent Auscultation of Fetal Heart on Admission to Labour Ward for Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing
- Cardiovascular diseases…
- Carvedilol Versus Traditional, Non-Selective Beta-Blockers for Adults with Cirrhosis and Gastroesophageal Varices
- Catheter Ablation Vs Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation
- Cephalomedullary Nails Versus Extramedullary Implants for Extracapsular Hip Fractures in Older Adults
- Cervical Stitch (Cerclage) for Preventing Preterm Birth in Multiple Pregnancy
- Cervical Stitch (Cerclage) for Preventing Preterm Birth in Singleton Pregnancy
- Chelation Therapy for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
- Chemotherapy for Advanced Endometrial Carcinoma
- Chemotherapy for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancer
- Chemotherapy Plus Rituximab Versus Chemotherapy Alone for B-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
- Chest Physiotherapy for Pneumonia in Adults
- Chinese Herbal Medicines for Hyperthyroidism
- Chitosan for Obesity
- Choice of Antihypertensive Drug in the Diabetic Patient from Prognostic Point of View
- Cholecystectomy Deferral in Patients with Endoscopic Sphincterotomy
- Cholecystectomy for Suspected Gallbladder Dyskinesia
- Cholelithiasis - Related Resources
- Cholinesterase Inhibitors for Parkinson's Disease Dementia
- Chronic Heart Failure - Related Resources
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - Related Resources
- Cirrhosis of the Liver - Related Resources
- Clinical Pathways
- Clinical Use of Vitamins - Related Resources
- Clopidogrel and Aspirin in Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
- Clopidogrel Plus Aspirin Vs Aspirin Alone for Preventing Cardiovascular Events
- Closure Vs. Medical Therapy for Preventing Recurrent Stroke in Patients with Patent Foramen Ovale and a History of Cryptogenic Stroke or TIA
- Cochrane review…
- Colchicine for Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis
- Colloids Versus Crystalloids for Fluid Resuscitation in Critically Ill Patients
- Colony Stimulating Factors for Chemotherapy Induced Febrile Neutropenia
- Combination Endoscopic Band Ligation and Sclerotherapy Vs Band Ligation Alone for the Secondary Prophylaxis of Esophageal Variceal Hemorrhage
- Combination of Beta Lactam and Aminoglycoside Antibiotic Therapy for Sepsis
- Combined Aspirin-Oral Anticoagulant Therapy Compared with Oral Anticoagulant Therapy Alone Among Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
- Combined Corticosteroid and Long-Acting Beta-Agonist in One Inhaler for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Combining ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers in Renal Disease
- Comparison of Different Regimens of Proton Pump Inhibitors for Acute Peptic Ulcer Bleeding
- Complete Versus Culprit-Only Revascularization in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
- Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Older Adults Admitted to Hospital
- Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Older People Admitted to a Surgical Service
- Computerized Advice on Drug Dosage to Improve Prescribing Practice
- Concomitant Atrial Fibrillation Surgery for People Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
- Conjugate Vaccines for Preventing Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Infection
- Conservative Versus Operative Treatment for Extracapsular Hip Fractures
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Versus Automated Peritoneal Dialysis for End-Stage Renal Disease
- Continuous Cardiotocography (Ctg) for Fetal Assessment during Labour
- Continuous Infusion or Intermittent Bolus Administration of Loop Diuretics in Acutely Decompensated Heart Failure
- Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion for Pregnant Women with Diabetes
- Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion for Type 1 Diabetes
- Continuous Vs. Intermittent Physiological Monitoring for Acute Stroke
- Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (Cabg) Versus Medical Treatment
- Coronary Heart Disease - Related Resources
- Corticosteroids for Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Adults
- Corticosteroids for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Corticosteroids for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Ards) in Adults
- Corticosteroids for Dengue Infection
- Corticosteroids for Kawasaki Disease in Children
- Corticosteroids for Preventing Graft-Versus-Host Disease after Allogeneic Myeloablative Stem Cell Transplantation
- Corticosteroids for the Resolution of Malignant Bowel Obstruction
- Corticosteroids for Treating Sepsis
- Corticosteroids for Viral Myocarditis
- Cotrimoxazole Prophylaxis for Opportunistic Infections in Adults with HIV
- Covering Stoma in Anterior Resection for Rectal Carcinoma
- Cpap and Bipap Non-Invasive Ventilation in Patients with Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedema
- Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor for Advanced Breast Cancer
- Cyclophosphamide for Connective Tissue Disease-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease
- Cyclophosphamide Versus Methylprednisolone for Treating Neuropsychiatric Involvement in Sle
- Cyclosporin A for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis with Antiviral Agents for Solid Organ Transplantation
- Dabigatran Versus Lmwhs for Thromboprophylaxis after Total Hip or Knee Replacement
- Dabigatran Versus Vitamin K Antagonists in Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation
- Daily Oral Iron Supplementation during Pregnancy
- Daily Steps and Mortality
- Darbepoetin and Biosimilars for the Anaemia of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis - Related Resources
- Defibrillation by Basic Emergency Medical Technicians in Patients with out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
- Depression, Drugs and Somatic Diseases - Related Resources
- Deworming Drugs for Treating Soil-Transmitted Intestinal Worms in Children
- Deworming Helminth Co-Infected Individuals for Delaying HIV Disease Progression
- Dexamethasone for Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Children
- Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Malaria in Travellers - Related Resources
- Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Ambulatory Electrocardiographic Monitoring in Older Patients
- Dialysis Patient in Primary Health Care - Related Resources
- Diarrhoea and Vomiting in Children - Related Resources
- Dietary Advice and Exercise for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Dietary Advice for Illness-Related Malnutrition in Adults
- Dietary Advice in Pregnancy for Preventing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- Dietary Sodium Restriction, Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Morbidity
- Different Antihypertensive Agents as First Line Therapies
- Different Intensities of Glycaemic Control for Pregnant Women with Pre-Existing Diabetes
- Different Types of Dietary Advice for Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- Digitalis for Congestive Heart Failure in Patients in Sinus Rhythm
- Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (Dpp-4) Inhibitors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Dipyridamole in Combination of Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients with Prosthetic Heart Valves
- Direct Oral Anticoagulants Versus Vitamin K Antangonists in Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation
- Direct Oral Anticoagulants Versus Warfarin Among Atrial Fibrillation Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Disease Management Interventions for Heart Failure
- Domiciliary Oxygen for Interstitial Lung Disease
- Domiciliary Oxygen in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Dopaminergic Agonists for Hepatic Encephalopathy
- Dose-Related Mortality in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Using Nifedipine
- D-Penicillamine for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Dronedarone for Maintaining Sinus Rhythm after Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation
- Dronedarone in Atrial Fibrillation
- Drotrecogin Alfa for Severe Sepsis in Adults
- Drugs for Chronic Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
- Drugs for Preventing Malaria-Related Illness in Pregnant Women and Death in the Newborn
- Drugs for Preventing Tuberculosis in HIV Infected Persons
- Drug Treatment for Hypertension - Related Resources
- Duration of Antibacterial Treatment for Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection in Women
- Duration of Antibiotic Therapy for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Critically Ill Adults
- Duration of Anticoagulant Therapy in Venous Thromboembolism
- Early Cholecystectomy Compared with Delayed Cholecystectomy in Acute Cholecystitis
- Early Routine Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Strategy Versus Early Conservative Management Strategy in Acute Gallstone Pancreatitis
- Early Switch and Early Discharge Strategies in Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia
- Early Treatment with ACE Inhibitors in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Early Treatment with Beta-Blockers in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Early Treatment with Calcium Channel Blockers in Acute Cardiovascular Event
- Early Treatment with Nitrates in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Early Versus Deferred Treatment for Early Stage Multiple Myeloma
- Early Versus Delayed Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Biliary Colic
- Early Versus Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping in Preterm Infants
- Early Versus Later Commencement of Feeding after Colorectal Surgery
- Early Warning Systems (Ews) and Rapid Response Systems (Rrs) for the Prevention of Intensive Care Admission and Death of Adult Patients on General Hospital Wards
- Education, Counselling and Supervised Exercise for Improving Prognosis of Coronary Artery Disease
- Effectiveness and Safety of Procalcitonin Evaluation for Reducing Mortality in Adults with Sepsis
- Effectiveness of Intermediate Care in Nursing-Led in-Patient Units
- Effect of Beta-Blockers on Functional Status in Heart Failure
- Effect of Different Antilipidemic Agents and Diets on Mortality
- Effect of Pexelizumab on Mortality in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction or Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
- Effect of the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on the Development of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
- Effect of Weight-Reducing Drugs in Hypertensive Patients
- Effects of Tibolone in Postmenopausal Women
- Efficacy and Safety of Cholesterol Lowering by Statins
- Emergency Interventions for Hyperkalaemia
- Emergency Sclerotherapy Vs. Medical Interventions for Bleeding Oesophageal Varices in Cirrhotic Patients
- Empirical Anti-Gram-Positive Antibiotic Treatment for Febrile Neutropenic Cancer Patients
- Empiric Antibiotic Coverage of Atypical Pathogens for Community Acquired Pneumonia in Hospitalized Adults
- Endocrinology…
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreaticography (Ercp) with or Without Stenting in Patients with Pancreaticobiliary Malignancy, Prior to Surgery
- Endoscopic Treatments for Bleeding Esophageal Varices
- Endothelin Receptor Antagonists for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
- Endothelin Receptor Antagonists for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Endovascular Versus Conventional Medical Treatment for Uncomplicated Chronic Type B Aortic Dissection
- Enteral Versus Total Parenteral Nutrition for Acute Pancreatitis
- Epinephrine Injection Versus Epinephrine Injection and a Second Endoscopic Method in High Risk Bleeding Ulcers
- Ercp in Gallstone-Associated Acute Pancreatitis
- Erythropoeitin for Reducing Allogeneic Blood Transfusions in Colorectal Cancer Surgery
- Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents for Anaemia in Chronic Heart Failure Patients
- Erythropoietin for Chronic Renal Failure Anaemia
- Erythropoietin or Darbepoetin for Patients with Cancer
- Erythropoietin or Darbepoetin for Patients with Malignant Disease
- Estrogen Plus Progestin for Primary Prevention in Healthy Postmenopausal Women
- Estrogen Plus Progestin for Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease in Postmenopausal Women
- Evening Versus Morning Dosing of Antihypertensive Drugs
- Evidence summary…
- Excitatory Amino Acid Inhibitors for Traumatic Brain Injury
- Exercise-Based Rehabilitation for Coronary Heart Disease
- Exercise-Based Rehabilitation for Heart Failure
- Exercise for Intermittent Claudication
- Exercise Programs for People with Dementia
- Exercise Training in Patients with Heart Failure
- Expandable Metal Stents Vs Plastic Tubes for Inoperable Oesophageal Cancer
- External Cephalic Version for Breech Presentation at Term
- External Cephalic Version for Breech Presentation Before Term
- Ezetimibe for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Facilitated Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (Pci) Vs Pci Alone
- Factor Xa Inhibitors Versus Vitamin K Antagonists for Preventing Embolism in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
- Female…
- Femoral Fractures - Related Resources
- Fetal Electrocardiogram (ECG) for Fetal Monitoring during Labour
- Fetal Movement Counting for Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing
- Fibrates for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Fibrinogen-Depleting Agents for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- First-Line Renin Angiotensin System Inhibitors Versus other Drug Classes for Hypertension
- Fish Consumption and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality
- Fish Oil for Patients with Diabetes
- Five-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors for Prostate Cancer Prevention
- Fixed-Dose Combination Therapy for the Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases
- Flecainide for Maintaining Sinus Rhythm after Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Versus Faecal Occult Blood Testing for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Asymptomatic Individuals
- Fluid Therapy for Acute Bacterial Meningitis
- Flumazenil for Hepatic Encephalopathy
- Fondaparinux for Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Fraction Size in Radiation Treatment for Breast Conservation in Early Breast Cancer
- Fulvestrant for Hormone-Sensitive Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Furosemide to Prevent or Treat Acute Renal Failure in Adults
- Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (Gaba) Receptor Agonists for Acute Stroke
- Garlic and Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- Gastroenterology…
- G-CSF for the Prophylaxis of Neutropenic Fever in Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer
- General Health Checks in Adults for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality from Disease
- Genetic Testing for Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
- Geriatrics…
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Pregnancy Outcomes
- Gestational Weight Gain below Instead of Within the Guidelines Per Class of Maternal Obesity: Obstetrical and Neonatal Outcomes
- Glucagon-Like Peptide Analogues (GLP-1 Analogues) for Type 2 Diabetes
- Glucocorticoids in Alcoholic Hepatitis
- Glucocorticosteroid Avoidance for Liver Transplanted Patients
- Glucocorticosteroids for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Glucocorticosteroids for Viral Hepatitis C
- Glucocorticosteroids or D-Penicillamine for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
- Glycaemic Control for Slowing the Progression of Microvascular Complications in Diabetes Mellitus
- Glycerol Added to Antibiotics for Acute Bacterial Meningitis
- Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) as an Adjunct to Antibiotics for Pneumonia in Adults
- Granulocyte Transfusions for Preventing Infections in Patients with Neutropenia or Neutrophil Dysfunction
- Granulocyte Transfusions for Treating Infections in Neutropenic Patients
- Granulopoiesis-Stimulating Factors to Prevent Adverse Effects in the Treatment of Malignant Lymphoma
- Haematemesis - Related Resources
- Haemoglobin and Haematocrit Targets for the Anaemia of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Haemostatic Therapies for Acute Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage
- Hawthorn Extract for Treating Chronic Heart Failure
- Hazards of Reducing Serum Cholesterol
- Heart Failure Nurse-Led Titration of Heart Failure Medicines
- Helicobacter Pylori Eradication for the Prevention of Gastric Neoplasia
- Helicopter Emergency Medical Services for Adults with Major Trauma
- Heparin-Bonded Catheters for Prolonging the Patency of Central Venous Catheters in Children
- Heparin for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in General Medical Patients (Excluding Stroke and Myocardial Infarction)
- Hepatic Resection as a Treatment for Liver Metastases in Colorectal Cancer
- High-Dose Chemotherapy Followed by Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation (Hdt) as First-Line Therapy in Aggressive Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL)
- High-Dose Therapy with Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation Versus Chemotherapy or Immuno-Chemotherapy for Follicular Lymphoma in Adults
- Histamine-2-Receptor Antagonists and Antacids in Critically Ill Patients
- HIV Infection - Related Resources
- Home-Based Versus Centre-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Home Blood Pressure (Bp) Measurement Compared to Office Bp
- Home Care by Outreach Nursing for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Home-Like Versus Conventional Institutional Settings for Birth
- Home or Foster Home Care Versus Institutional Long-Term Care for Functionally Dependent Older People
- Home Uterine Activity Monitoring for Detection of Preterm Labour
- Home Versus in-Patient Treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Homocysteine Lowering Interventions for Peripheral Arterial Disease and Bypass Grafts
- Homocysteine Lowering Interventions for Preventing Cardiovascular Events
- Hormonal Therapy in Advanced or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer
- Hormone Replacement Therapy and the Risk of Stroke
- Hormone Therapy for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Post-Menopausal Women
- Hospital at Home for Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Hospital at Home Versus in-Patient Hospital Care
- Hospitalization and Bed Rest for Multiple Pregnancy
- Human Recombinant Activated Protein C for Severe Sepsis
- Hydration for Treatment of Preterm Labour
- Hydroxyethyl Starch (Hes) Versus other Fluid Therapies: Effects on Kidney Function
- Hyperbaric Oxygenation for Tumour Sensitisation to Radiotherapy
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Thermal Burns
- Hypertension: Diagnosis, Initial Investigations and Starting Treatment - Related Resources
- Hyperventilation Therapy for Acute Traumatic Brain Injury
- Hypothermia as a Neuroprotectant in Post Cardiac Arrest Patients
- Hypothermia Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury
- Immediate Antiepileptic Drug Treatment, Versus Placebo, Deferred, or No Treatment for First Unprovoked Seizure
- Immunoglobulin Prophylaxis in Hematological Malignancies and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
- Immunoglobulins, Vaccines or Interferon for Preventing Cytomegalovirus Disease in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
- Immunosuppressive Treatment or Alkylating Agents for Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy
- Impact of Cholesterol Reduction on Total Mortality
- Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators
- Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators in Nonischaemic Cardiomyopathy
- Implantable Defibrillators Versus Medical Therapy for Cardiac Channelopathies
- Improvement of Survival with Antihypertensive Drugs in Mild-to-Moderate Hypertension
- Improving Antibiotic Prescribing Practices in Hospitals
- Incretin-Based Therapy with Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes
- Indications for Fibrinolytic Therapy in Suspected Myocardial Infarction
- Infections in Immunosuppressed and Cancer Patients - Related Resources
- Infectious diseases…
- Influenza Vaccines for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
- Inhaled Corticosteroids in COPD
- Inhaled Corticosteroids Versus Long-Acting Beta(2)-Agonists for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Inpatient Versus Outpatient Care for Eating Disorders
- Insectiside Treated Nets for Preventing Malaria
- Insulin Added on Metformin in Type 2 Diabetes
- Insulin Versus Oral Anti-Diabetic Pharmacological Therapies for Gestational Diabetes
- Intensive Case Management for Severe Mental Illness
- Intensive Glucose Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes
- Intensive Insulin Therapy and Early Macrovascular Disease in Young Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes
- Intensive Versus Moderate Statin Therapy
- Interferon for Chronic Hepatitis C
- Interferon for Interferon Nonresponding and Relapsing Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
- Intermittent Pneumatic Compression and Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention
- Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Malaria in Children
- Intermittent Versus Continuous and Intensity of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury in Adults
- Internal Fixation Versus Arthroplasty for Intracapsular Proximal Femoral Fractures in Adults
- Internal medicine…
- Interventions for American Cutaneous and Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis
- Interventions for Bullous Pemphigoid
- Interventions for Chronic Nonhypovolaemic Hypotonic Hyponatraemia
- Interventions for Dysphagia in Inoperable Oesophageal Cancer
- Interventions for Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (Hus) and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
- Interventions for Improving the Outcome of Delivery at or Beyond Term
- Interventions for Latent Autoimmune Diabetes (Lada) in Adults
- Interventions for Nutritional Support in Subacute Stroke
- Interventions for Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) Overdoses
- Interventions for Preventing Infectious Complications in Haemodialysis Patients with Central Venous Catheters
- Interventions for Preventing Venous Thromboembolism Following Abdominal Aortic Surgery
- Interventions for the Treatment of Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancers: Surgical Treatment
- Interventions for the Treatment of Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- Interventions for Treating Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
- Interventions for Weight Loss in Overweight or Obese People with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Interventions in the Management of Serum Lipids for Preventing Stroke Recurrence
- Interventions in the Treatment and Prevention of Obesity
- Interventions to Improve Control of Blood Pressure in Hypertension
- Intra-Articular Lidocaine Vs. Intravenous Analgesia for Manual Reduction of Shoulder Dislocation
- Intramedullary Nails for Extracapsular Hip Fractures in Adults
- Intrapartum Antibiotics for Known Maternal Group B Streptococcal Colonization
- Intravenous Immunoglobulin (Ivig) as Adjuvant Therapy for Wegener's Granulomatosis
- Intravenous Immunoglobulin for Treating Sepsis and Septic Shock
- Intravenous Immunoglobulin for Viral Myocarditis
- Intravenous Magnesium for Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Intravenous Thrombolysis in Stroke Patients over 80 Years Versus Under 80 Years of Age
- Intravenous Vs Oral Antibiotics for Hospitalized Patients with Non-Severe Community Acquired Pneumonia
- Iodised Salt for Preventing Iodine Deficiency Disorders
- Ischaemic Pre-Conditioning for Elective Liver Resections Performed Under Vascular Occlusion
- Ischaemic Stroke and Myocardial Infarction Risk with Combined Oral Contraceptives
- Isoniazid for Preventing Tuberculosis in Non-HIV Infected Persons
- Ivabradine as Adjuvant Treatment for Chronic Heart Failure
- Kangaroo Mother Care to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in Low Birthweight Infants
- Labour and Delivery - Related Resources
- Laparoscopic Colorectal Resection
- Laparoscopicendoscopic Rendezvous Versus Preoperative Endoscopic Sphincterotomy in People Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Stones in the Gallbladder and Bile Duct
- Laparoscopic Versus Open Cholecystectomy for Patients with Symptomatic Cholecystolithiasis
- Laparoscopic Versus Small-Incision Cholecystectomy for Patients with Symptomatic Cholecystolithiasis
- Lay Health Workers in Primary and Community Health Care
- Legislative Smoking Bans for Reducing Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Smoking Prevalence
- Leucocytopenia - Related Resources
- Levosimendan Vs Dobutamine for Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
- Lifestyle Changes in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Lifestyle Interventions for the Treatment of Women with Gestational Diabetes
- Lipid-Lowering Pharmacotherapy for Lower Limb Ischaemia
- Lipid Lowering Therapies in Renal Disease
- Live Attenuated Varicella Vaccine for Healthy Children
- Local Oestrogen for Genitourinary Syndrome of Postmenopause
- Local Versus General Anaesthesia for Carotid Endarterectomy
- Long-Acting Beta2-Agonist in Addition to Tiotropium Versus Either Agent Alone for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Long-Acting Beta-2 Agonists for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Long-Acting Beta2-Agonists in Addition to Inhaled Corticosteroids in Chronic Asthma
- Long-Term Effects of Dietary Interventions in Hypertensive Patients
- Long Term Hormone Therapy for Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women for Chronic Conditions
- Long-Term Non-Pharmacological Weight Loss Interventions for Adults with Prediabetes
- Long-Term Non-Pharmacological Weight Loss Interventions for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Long-Term Results of Laparoscopic Colorectal Cancer Resection
- Losartan or Captopril for Symptomatic Heart Failure
- Losartan Versus Atenolol for Diabetic Hypertensive Patients with LVH
- Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Obesity as Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases
- Low-Dose Aspirin for Patients with Polycythaemia Vera
- Low-Dose Aspirin for Prevention of Vascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes
- Low Glycaemic Index, or Low Glycaemic Load, Diets for Diabetes Mellitus
- Low Glycaemic Index Diets for Cardiovascular Disease
- Low-Molecular Weight Heparin in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Treated with Thrombolytic Therapy
- Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins (Lmwh) Versus Unfractionated Heparin for Venous Thromboembolism
- Low-Molecular-Weight-Heparins Compared to Unfractionated Heparin in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Treated with Thrombolysis
- Low Molecular Weight Heparins for Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins Vs. Standard Heparin for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Low Protein Diets for Chronic Kidney Disease in Non-Diabetic Adults
- Lowsodium Salt Substitutes and Blood Pressure
- Lung Cancer - Related Resources
- Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS) in Diffuse Emphysema
- Magnesium and Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
- Magnesium for Acute Traumatic Brain Injury
- Magnesium Sulphate for Eclampsia and Pre-Eclampsia
- Magnesium Sulphate for Preterm Labour
- Magnesium Sulphate for Women at Risk of Preterm Birth for Neuroprotection of the Foetus
- Maintenance Immunosuppression for Liver Transplanted Patients
- Maintenance Therapy with Atosiban for Inhibiting Preterm Birth after Threatened Preterm Labour
- Maintenance Therapy with Calcium Channel Blockers or Oxytocin Antagonists for Preventing Preterm Birth
- Male Hypogonadism and Hormone Replacement - Related Resources
- Management of Acute Atrial Fibrillation - Related Resources
- Management of Toxoplasmic Encephalitis in HIV-Infected Adults
- Mannitol for Acute Traumatic Brain Injury
- Maternal Health Advantages of Breastfeeding
- Maternal Obesity and Infant Outcomes
- Maternal Obesity as a Risk Factor for Complications in Pregnancy
- Mechanical Bowel Preparation for Elective Colorectal Surgery
- Medication Review in Hospitalised Patients to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality
- Mediterranean-Style Diet for the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Meglitinide Analogues (Glinides) for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Melena - Related Resources
- Meningitis in Children - Related Resources
- Meningitis - Related Resources
- Menopausal Hormone Therapy after Breast Cancer
- Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer
- Meropenem Vs Imipenem Plus Cilastatin for Severe Infections
- Metformin for Gestational Diabetes
- Metformin Monotherapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Methadone Maintenance Therapy for Opioid Dependence
- Method of Delivery and Pregnancy Outcomes
- Methotrexate for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Metoprolol for Maintaining Sinus Rhythm after Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation
- Micronutrient Supplementation in Children and Adults with HIV Infection
- Milk Thistle for Alcoholic and/or Hepatitis B or C Virus Liver Diseases
- Misoprostol for Preventing Postpartum Haemorrhage
- Mobile Bearing Vs Fixed Bearing Prostheses for Total Knee Arthroplasty
- Mortality and Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Mucolytic Agents for Chronic Bronchitis
- Multi-Agent Chemotherapy for Early Breast Cancer
- Multidimensional Preventive Home Visit Programs for Community-Dwelling Older Adults
- Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation for Older People with Hip Fractures
- Multidisciplinary Treatment Programs for Congestive Heart Failure
- Multiple-Micronutrient Supplementation (Mms) during Pregnancy
- Multiple Risk Factor Interventions for Primary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
- Mycophenolic Acid for Kidney Transplant Recipients
- Myocarditis - Related Resources
- Naftidrofuryl for Acute Stroke
- Nalmefene for Alcohol Dependence
- Nerve Blocks (Subcostal, Lateral Cutaneous, Femoral, Triple, Psoas) for Hip Fractures
- Nitrates in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Nitrates in Myocardial Infarction
- Nitric Oxide Donors for Delaying Preterm Birth
- Nodular or Enlarged Thyroid Gland - Related Resources
- Non-Immunosuppressive Treatment for Iga Nephropathy
- Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation as a Weaning Strategy for Intubated Adults with Respiratory Failure
- Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation for Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Nonpharmacological Interventions for Treating Acute High Altitude Illness
- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for Biliary Colic
- Nutritional Interventions for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality in People with HIV
- Nutritional medicine…
- Nutritional Supplementation for Hip Fracture Aftercare in the Elderly
- Nutritional Supplements for People Treated for Active Tuberculosis
- Nutritional Support for Liver Disease - Parenteral Nutrition for Alcoholic Liver Disease
- Occupational Therapy after Stroke
- Off-Pump or Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Compared with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- Omalizumab for Asthma
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Once Daily Vs Twice Daily Low Molecular Weight Heparin (Lmwh) for Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Once Versus Twice Daily Low Molecular Weight Heparin for the Initial Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism
- Oncology…
- Open Repair Versus Endovascular Repair of Unruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Open Versus Laparoscopic (Assisted) Ileo Pouch Anal Anastomosis for Ulcerative Colitis and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
- Optimal Serum Digoxin Concentration in Heart Failure
- Oral Anticoagulants Vs Antiplatelet Therapy for Preventing Stroke in Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation and No History of Stroke or TIA
- Oral Anticoagulation for Prolonging Survival in Patients with Cancer
- Oral Antidiabetic Drugs and GLP-1 Analogues in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes - Related Resources
- Oral Contraceptives and the Risk of Ovarian Cancer
- Oral Deferiprone for Iron Chelation in People with Thalassaemia
- Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitors or Oral Factor Xa Inhibitors for the Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitors or Oral Factor Xa Inhibitors for the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism
- Oral Versus Intravenous Antibiotic Treatment for Febrile Neutropenia in Cancer Patients
- Oral Zinc for Treating Diarrhoea in Children
- Organ Transplant Recipient in Primary Health Care - Related Resources
- Osteotomy for Treating Knee Osteoarthritis
- Outpatient Treatment for Acute Pulmonary Embolism
- Ovarian Suppression for Adjuvant Treatment of Hormone Receptorpositive Early Breast Cancer
- Oxygen Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Oxytocin Receptor Antagonists for Inhibiting Preterm Labour
- Oxytocin Versus No Treatment or Delayed Treatment for Slow Progress in the First Stage of Spontaneous Labour
- Paediatrics…
- Paksu- Ja Peräsuolisyöpä - Related Resources
- Palliative Biliary Stents for Obstructing Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple's Procedure) for Pancreatic Cancer
- Parenteral Anticoagulation in Ambulatory Patients with Cancer
- Parenteral Versus Oral Iron Therapy for Adults and Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Parp (Poly Adpribose Polymerase) Inhibitors for Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Patch Angioplasty Versus Primary Closure for Carotid Endarterectomy
- Patient Education in the Management of Coronary Heart Disease
- Pcsk9 Inhibitors for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis
- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention after Fibrinolysis
- Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Versus Nasogastric Tube Feeding for Adults with Swallowing Disturbances
- Percutaneous Vascular Interventions for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Perioperative Allogeneic Blood Transfusion in Patients with Cancer
- Perioperative Betablockers for Preventing Surgeryrelated Mortality and Morbidity in Adults Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
- Perioperative Beta-Blockers in Non-Cardiac Surgery
- Peri-Operative Glycaemic Control Regimens for Preventing Surgical Site Infections in Adults
- Perioperative Statin Therapy during and after Noncardiac Vascular Surgery
- Peroral Digoxin for Controlling Heart Rate in Atrial Fibrillation
- Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma Agonists for Preventing Recurrent Stroke and other Vascular Events in Patients with Stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack
- Personal Assistance for Older Adults (65+) Without Dementia
- Pharmacological Interventions for Hypertensive Emergencies
- Pharmacological Treatment of Vascular Risk Factors in Patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Pharmacological Treatments for Preventing Epilepsy Following Traumatic Head Injury
- Pharmacology…
- Pharmacotherapy for Hypertension in the Elderly
- Pharmacotherapy for Mild Hypertension
- Phosphate Binders in Chronic Kidney Disease
- Phosphodiesterase 4 Inhibitors for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors for Pulmonary Hypertension
- Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitors for Heart Failure
- Physical Activity Programs for Persons with Dementia
- Physical Rehabilitation for Older People in Long-Term Care
- Pioglitazone for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Planned Caesarean Section for Term Breech Delivery
- Planned Caesarean Section for Women with a Twin Pregnancy
- Planned Early Birth Versus Expectant Management for Women with Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes for Improving Pregnancy Outcome
- Planned Early Delivery Versus Expectant Management for Hypertensive Disorders from 34 Weeks Gestation to Term
- Planned Early Delivery Versus Expectant Management of the Term Suspected Compromised Baby
- Planned Home Vs Hospital Care for Preterm Prelabour Rupture of the Membranes (Pprom)
- Plasma Homocysteine Level as a Risk Factor for Major Coronary Events
- Platelet Glycoprotein Iib/Iiia Receptor Antagonists in Cardiovascular Disease
- Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines for Preventing Invasive Pneumococcal Disease and Pneumonia in Children Under Two Years of Age
- Pneumococcal Vaccines for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Pneumonia - Related Resources
- Portosystemic Shunt Compared with Endoscopic Treatment (Et) of Variceal Rebleeding
- Positive Pressure Airway Support for Cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedema
- Post-Exposure Gamma Globulin (Passive Immunisation) for Preventing Measles
- Post-Operative Radiotherapy for Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast
- Potassium Binders for Chronic Hyperkalaemia in People with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Pre-Emptive Antiviral Treatment to Prevent Cytomegalovirus Disease in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
- Prehospital 12-Lead Electrocardiography with Advanced Notification of Emergency Department in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Pre-Hospital Antibiotics for Meningococcal Disease
- Prehospital Emergency Care - Related Resources
- Prenatal Administration of Progesterone for Preventing Preterm Birth
- Preoperative Assessment - Related Resources
- Preoperative Biliary Drainage for Obstructive Jaundice
- Preoperative Blood Transfusions for Sickle Cell Disease
- Preoperative Chemoradiation Versus Radiation Alone for Stage II and III Resectable Rectal Cancer
- Preoperative Physical Therapy for Elective Cardiac Surgery Patients
- Pre-Operative Radiotherapy (Prt) and Curative Surgery for Localized Rectal Carcinoma
- Preoperative Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer
- Preoperative Statin Therapy
- Prevention and Screening of Colorectal Cancer - Related Resources
- Prevention and Treatment of Delirium
- Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation - Related Resources
- Prevention of Hypothermia at Birth in Preterm and/or Low Birthweight Babies
- Prevention of Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation after Heart Surgery
- Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes by Life-Style Changes
- Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Persons at Increased Risk for the Development of T2d
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism - Related Resources
- Primary Angioplasty Versus Intravenous Thrombolysis for Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Primary Biliary Cirrhosis - Related Resources
- Primary Closure Versus T-Tube Drainage after Open Common Bile Duct Exploration
- Primary Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism in Ambulatory Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
- Primary Repair for Penetrating Colon Injuries
- Primary Stenting Versus Primary Balloon Angioplasty for Treating Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Probiotics for Patients with Hepatic Encephalopathy
- Probiotics for Preventing Gestational Diabetes
- Probiotics for Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants
- Prolonged Thromboprophylaxis with Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Abdominal or Pelvic Surgery
- Propafenone for Maintaining Sinus Rhythm after Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation
- Prophylactic Antibiotics or G(M)-CSF in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
- Prophylactic Antibiotic Therapy for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Prophylactic Gastrojejunostomy for Unresectable Periampullary Carcinoma
- Prophylactic Intravenous Indomethacin for Preventing Mortality and Morbidity in Preterm Infants
- Prophylactic Mastectomy for the Prevention of Breast Cancer
- Prophylactic Treatments Against Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia and Toxoplasma Encephalitis in HIV-Infected Patients
- Prophylaxis Against Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism in Hip Fracture Surgery
- Prophylaxis for Pneumocystis Pneumonia in Non-HIV Immunocompromised Patients
- Propylthiouracil for Alcoholic Liver Disease
- Prostacyclin for Pulmonary Hypertension
- Prostanoids for Critical Limb Ischaemia
- Protein and Energy Supplementation in Elderly People at Risk from Malnutrition
- Protein Restriction for Diabetic Kidney Disease
- Prothrombin Complex Concentrate for Reversal of Vitamin K Antagonist Treatment
- Proton Pump Inhibitors for Acute Peptic Ulcer Bleeding
- Proton-Pump Inhibitors in Acute Ulcer Bleeding
- Proton Pump Inhibitor Treatment Initiated Prior to Endoscopic Diagnosis in Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Proton Pump Inhibitor Treatment Initiated Prior to Endoscopic Diagnosis in Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Psa for Screening of Prostate Cancer
- Psychological and Pharmacological Interventions for Depression in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
- Psychological Interventions for Coronary Heart Disease
- Psychosocial Interventions for Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
- Psychosocial Interventions for Supporting Women to Stop Smoking in Pregnancy
- Public Health Policy on Screening for Cancer - Related Resources
- Pulmonary Artery Catheters in Critically Ill Patients
- Pulmonary diseases…
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Following Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Pulse Oximetry for Perioperative Monitoring
- Purine Antagonists Compared to Alkylating Agents for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
- Quinolones for Treatment of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
- Radical Prostatectomy Versus Watchful Waiting for Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer
- Radiotherapy and Surgery in Early Breast Cancer
- Radiotherapy for Early Breast Cancer
- Radiotherapy Regimens for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancer
- Radiotherapy…
- Recombinant Factor Viia for Bleeding in Patients Without Haemophilia
- Recurrent Miscarriage - Related Resources
- Red Cell Transfusion for the Management of Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage
- Reduced Saturated Fat for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
- Reduction of Cardiovascular Risk after Stopping Smoking
- Rehabilitation for Stroke Patients at Home
- Repeat Digital Cervical Assessment in Pregnancy for Identifying Women at Risk of Preterm Labour
- Replacement Arthroplasty Versus Internal Fixation for Extracapsular Hip Fractures in Adults
- Resource-poor settings…
- Respiratory Failure - Related Resources
- Restoration of Sinus Rhythm in Atrial Fibrillation
- Resuscitation - Related Resources
- Reteplase for Thrombolysis in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Revascularization in Patients with Moderate or Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction
- Ribavirin for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection of the Lower Respiratory Tract
- Ribavirin Monotherapy for Chronic Hepatitis C
- Ribavirin Plus Interferon Versus Interferon for Chronic Hepatitis C
- Riluzole for Patients with ALS
- Riociguat for Pulmonary Hypertension
- Risk of a Venous Thromboembolism during the Postpartum Period
- Risk of Lactic Acidosis with Metformin in Type 2 Diabetes
- Risk of Morbidity and Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease Following Radiotherapy for Childhood Cancer
- Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Users of Combined Oral Contraceptives
- Rosiglitazone for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Routine Abdominal Drainage for Uncomplicated Liver Resection
- Routine Abdominal Drainage for Uncomplicated Open or Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Routine or Selective Invasive Strategy for Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Routine Ultrasound in Late Pregnancy (after 24 Weeks Gestation)
- Routine Versus Selective Antifungal Administration for Control of Fungal Infections in Patients with Cancer
- S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (Same)for Alcoholic Liver Diseases
- Safety of Early Postpartum Discharge
- Safety of Regular Formoterol or Salmeterol in Adults with Asthma
- Safety of Regular Formoterol or Salmeterol in Children with Asthma
- Safety of Ruling out Acute Pulmonary Embolism in Outpatients by Normal Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography
- Schedules for Home Visits in the Early Postpartum Period
- Sclerotherapy for Oesophageal Varices
- Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Screening for Breast Cancer with Mammography
- Screening for Colorectal Cancer Using the Faecal Occult Blood Test, Hemoccult
- Screening for Lung Cancer
- Screening for Ovarian Cancer
- Screening Programmes for the Early Detection and Prevention of Oral Cancer
- Sedatives for Opiate Withdrawal in Newborn Infants
- Sedative Techniques for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (Ercp)
- Selegeline for Early Parkinson's Disease
- Selenium Supplementation for Critically Ill Adults
- Selenium Supplementation for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Self Examination for Breast Cancer
- Self-Management for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Self-Monitoring and Self-Management of Oral Anticoagulation
- Septicaemia - Related Resources
- Sequential Combination of Glucocorticosteroids and Alfa Interferon Versus Alfa Interferon Alone for Hbeag-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B
- Setting and Organization of Care for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS
- Sglt-2 Inhibitors and GLP-1 Agonists for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease
- Sglt-2 Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes
- Short-Course Versus Long-Course Antibiotic Therapy for (by who Algorithm) Non-Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children Aged 2 Months to 59 Months in Developing Countries
- Sildenafil for Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonates
- Single-Dose Antihelminthics for Soil Transmitted Helminths during Pregnancy
- Sirolimus and Everolimus for Primary Immunosuppression in Kidney Transplant Recipients
- Smoking and Total Mortality
- Smoking Cessation as Treatment for Intermittent Claudication
- Smoking Cessation for the Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
- Somatostatin, Octreotide and Gabexate Mesilate for Acute Pancreatitis
- Somatostatin Analogues for Pancreatic Surgery
- Somatostatin or Octreotide for Acutely Bleeding Oesophageal Varices
- Sonothrombolysis for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Sotalol after Myocardial Infarction
- Sotalol for Maintaining Sinus Rhythm after Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation
- Spironolactone for Hypertension
- Sports medicine…
- Stapled Versus Handsewn Methods for Ileocolic Anastomoses
- Statin Administration in the Morning or in the Evening
- Statins for Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Statins for Dialysis Patients
- Statins for Improving Renal Outcomes
- Statins for Kidney Transplant Recipients
- Statins for People with Chronic Kidney Disease Not Requiring Dialysis
- Statins for Secondary Prevention in Elderly Patients
- Statins for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Statin Treatment and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease
- Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Ischaemic Heart Disease and Congestive Heart Failure
- Stem Cell Treatment for Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Steroid Avoidance or Withdrawal for Kidney Transplant Recipients
- Steroids for Treating Cerebral Malaria
- Structured Telephone Support or Telemonitoring for Chronic Heart Failure
- Subcutaneous Unfractionated Heparin for the Initial Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism
- Substance-related disorders…
- Sulphonylurea for Type 2 Diabetes
- Support during Pregnancy for Women at Increased Risk of Low Birthweight Babies
- Surgery for Morbid Obesity
- Surgery for Primary Supratentorial Intracerebral Haemorrhage
- Surgery or Follow-Up for a Small Aneurysm of the Abdominal Aorta
- Surgery Versus Thrombolysis for Initial Management of Acute Limb Ischaemia
- Surgery…
- Surgical Decompression for Cerebral Oedema in Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Surgical Intervention for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Vulva
- Surgical Modalities for Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Surgical Versus Endoscopic Treatment of Bile Duct Stones
- Symptoms in the Diagnosis of Stroke
- Synthetic Surfactant Versus Animal Derived Surfactant for Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Systematic review…
- Systemic Corticosteroids for Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Tamoxifen for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Tamoxifen for Premenopausal Early Breast Cancer
- Taurine Supplementation in Preterm or Low Birth Weight Infants
- Tavi Versus Open Surgery for Valve Replacement in Aortic Stenosis
- Terlipressin for Acute Esophageal Variceal Hemorrhage
- Terlipressin for Hepatorenal Syndrome
- Testing for Cancer in Patients with Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism
- The Effect of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (Cabg) on Survival
- The Effect of Statins on Mortality and the Incidence of Coronary Events in Secondary Prevention of Ischaemic Heart Disease
- The Effect on ACE Inhibitors on Mortality and Morbidity in Patients with Heart Failure
- The Icteric Patient - Related Resources
- The Premature Infant in Outpatient Care - Related Resources
- The Use of Diltiazem, Verapamil and Short-Acting Nifedipine in Heart Failure
- The Use of Glitazones (Thiazolidinediones) in Heart Failure
- Thoracic surgery…
- Thrombolysis (Different Doses, Routes of Administration and Agents) for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Thrombolysis for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
- Thrombolytic Therapy in Pulmonary Embolism
- Thromboprophylaxis for Trauma Patients
- Thyroid Hormone Replacement for Subclinical Hypothyroidism
- Timing of Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Timing of Umbilical Cord Clamping
- Tiotropium, Inhaled Steroids and Long-Acting Beta2-Agonists Alone or in Combinations for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Tiotropium Versus Ipratropium for COPD
- Tips Versus Paracentesis for Cirrhotic Patients with Refractory Ascites
- Tocilizumab for Giant Cell Arteritis
- Toxoplasmosis - Related Resources
- Tranexamic Acid for Acute Traumatic Injury
- Tranexamic Acid for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Transarterial (Chemo)Embolisation for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Transfusion Thresholds for Guiding Allogeneic Red Blood Cell Transfusion
- Trastuzumab Containing Regimens for Early Breast Cancer
- Treatment and Follow-Up in Type 2 Diabetes - Related Resources
- Treatment for Anemia in People with AIDS
- Treatment for Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Treatment for Women with Postpartum Iron Deficiency Anaemia
- Treatment of Cryptosporidiosis in Immunocompromised Patients
- Treatment of Dyslipidaemias - Related Resources
- Treatment of Hypertension in Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Treatment of Obesity - Related Resources
- Treatment of Opiate Addiction with Sublingual Buprenorfine and Naloxone
- Treatment of Premature Rupture of Membranes
- Treatment of Severe or Progressive Kaposi's Sarcoma (Ks) in HIV-1 Infected Adults
- Treatments for Gestational Diabetes
- Trial of Labour or Repeated Caesarean Section
- Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole and Risk of Sudden Death Among Patients Taking Renin-Angiotensin System Blockers
- Trypanocidal Drugs for Chronic Trypanosoma Cruzi Infection
- Ulcerative Colitis - Related Resources
- Unfractionated Heparin for Cancer Patients
- Ursodeoxycholic Acid and/or Antibiotics for Prevention of Biliary Stent Occlusion
- Ursodeoxycholic Acid in the Treatment of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Uterotonic Agents for Firstline Treatment of Postpartum Haemorrhage
- Vaccines for Preventing Influenza in the Elderly
- Vaccines for Preventing Pneumococcal Infection in Adults
- Vaccines for Preventing Rotavirus Diarrhoea: Vaccines in Use
- Vaccines for Women to Prevent Neonatal Tetanus
- Vaginal Chlorhexidine during Labour for Preventing Maternal and Neonatal Infections
- Varenicline and Bupropion and Suicidal Behaviour
- Vascular Occlusion for Elective Liver Resections
- Vena Caval Filters for the Prevention of Pulmonary Embolism
- Verapamil in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
- Very Early Versus Conventional Mobilisation after Stroke
- Viral Influenza Vaccinations in Pregnancy for Improving Maternal, Neonatal and Infant Health Outcomes
- Vitamin A for Non-Measles Pneumonia in Children
- Vitamin A for Treating Measles in Children
- Vitamin A Supplementation in Children at Risk of Vitamin A Deficiency
- Vitamin C for Pneumonia
- Vitamin C for Treating Tetanus
- Vitamin D and Vitamin D Analogues with or Without Calcium Supplement for Preventing Fractures in Post-Menopausal Women and Older Men
- Vitamin D Supplementation for Prevention of Mortality in Adults
- Vitamin E Supplementation and Cardiovascular Events in High-Risk Patients
- Vitamin K Antagonists or Low-Molecular Weight Heparin for Venous Thromboembolism
- Yoga for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention