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Evidence summaries

Transverse Vs Midline Incisions for Abdominal Surgery

Transverse abdominal access for surgery may be less painful and affect pulmonary function less than midline access but recovery and complication rates are similar. Level of evidence: "C"

A Cochrane review [Abstract] 1 included 12 studies. There was evidence to suggest that a transverse or oblique incision may be less painful and have less impact on pulmonary function than a midline incision, particularly in the early postoperative period. However, there was no difference seen in early or late postoperative complications between a transverse or oblique and a midline incision and recovery times were similar.

Comment: The quality of evidence is downgraded by limitations in methodological study quality and by inconsistency (variability in results across studies and heterogeneity of the populations).


  • Brown SR, Goodfellow PB. Transverse verses midline incisions for abdominal surgery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005 Oct 19;(4):CD005199. [PubMed]

Primary/Secondary Keywords