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Evidence summaries

Faecal Screening Tests for Acute Infectious Diarrhoea

Faecal lactoferrin may be the most accurate test for identification of inflammatory bacterial diarrhoea, but this result was based on a small number of patients. Level of evidence: "C"

A systematic review 1 to evaluate several methods for the identification of patients with inflammatory bacterial diarrhoea including 25 studies with a total of 19 036 subjects was abstracted in DARE. The accuracy of tests in hierarchical order (less accurate first) as assessed by the area under the summary receiver operating characteristic (SROC) curve was as follows: faecal leukocytes (intercept 1.097), occult blood (intercept 1.504), clinical data and faecal leukocytes (intercept 1.568), faecal lactoferrin (138 patients studied) (intercept 3.645).


Primary/Secondary Keywords