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Evidence summaries

Electromagnetic Therapy, Manipulation and Active Physiotherapy in the Management of Neck Pain

Electromagnetic therapy, manipulation and active physiotherapy may be effective in the management of neck pain. Level of evidence: "C"

The efficacy of physiotherapy or chirocpractic treatment for patients with neck pain was analysed by reviewing 27 randomised clinical trials 1. Generally, the quality of trials was poor. Positive outcomes were noted for electromagnetic therapy, manipulation and active physiotherapy. These treatment modalities had the clearest effect on pain. The trials had short follow up-periods (only 5 followed up patients for more than 6 weeks).

Comment: The quality of evidence is downgraded by study limitations and possibility of reporting bias.


  • Kjellman GV, Skargren EI, Oberg BE. A critical analysis of randomised clinical trials on neck pain and treatment efficacy. A review of the literature. Scand J Rehabil Med 1999 Sep;31(3):139-52. [PubMed]

Primary/Secondary Keywords