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Mesothelioma of the Pleura (Pa View)

Mesothelioma of the pleura (PA view). 72-year-old male with heavy occupational asbestos exposure. The patient additionally smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 10 years but quit smoking 45 years ago. Towards the end of 1995 he developed fatigue and extended cough. He went to the health centre and was referred further to the central hospital because of left-sided pleural effusion detected in chest x-ray. On the left in the x-ray image of the chest, there is clear subpulmonary effusion rising posteriorly and at the lobe margin (see lateral projection Mesothelioma of the Pleura (Lateral View)). In addition, there are linear interstitial patterns in the left lung.

Picture: Medimage / University of Turku. By courtesy of the Finnish Ministry of Education.

Primary/Secondary Keywords