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Restricted Range of Motion of the Hip Caused by Osteoarthritis

A 79-year-old male has bilateral osteoarthritis of the hips. He has a markedly restricted range of motion (ROM) in the right hip. The range of rotation is examined in supine position, with the hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees. Internal rotation is absent, and the total ROM is restricted compared to the left side. Restriction of extension in the right hip is evident when the left hip is flexed maximally in order to tilt the pelvis forward. The right knee is flexed, and cannot be extended and pressed against the bed. The range of flexion of the right hip is restricted to 90 degrees. In the left hip the range of extension is normal (the left knee remains straight when the right right hip is flexed).

Restricted Range of Motion of the Hip Caused by Osteoarthritis!!video!!

Restricted range of motion of the hip caused by osteoarthritis

Primary/Secondary Keywords