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Evidence summaries

Anti-Centromere and Anti-Scl-70 Antibodies in Systemic Sclerosis

Both anti-centromere antibodies and anti-Scl-70 antibodies appear to be highly specific for systemic sclerosis, but 40% of patients with systemic sclerosis are likely to have neither antibody present. Level of evidence: "B"

A systematic review 1 including 30 studies was abstracted in DARE. Anti-centromere antibodies had a mean sensitivity of 32% (range 17% to 56%). In limited cutaneous disease the sensitivity was 57%. Anti-Scl-70 antibodies had a mean sensitivity of 34% (range 3% to 75%), and 40% in cutaneous disease. The combined overall sensitivity of the presence of either antibody was 58%. The specificity of both antibodies was high, but varied by control group. ACA were present in 5% and Anti-Scl-70 in 2% of patients with other connective tissue diseases, but fewer than 1% of disease-free controls had either antibody present.

Comment: The quality of evidence is upgraded by strong association.


  • Spencer-Green G, Alter D, Welch HG. Test performance in systemic sclerosis: anti-centromere and anti-Scl-70 antibodies. Am J Med 1997 Sep;103(3):242-8. [PubMed] [DARE]

Primary/Secondary Keywords