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Diagnostic Coronary Angiography


  • Coronary angiography is used to investigate the anatomy of the coronary arteries and to assess the number, location and severity of possible coronary stenoses.
  • In the case that a significant stenosis is found it is possible at the same time to perform a therapeutic intervention, i.e. balloon angioplasty (also using a drug-eluting balloon) and, if needed, insertion of a metal mesh (bare-metal or drug-eluting stent) to secure the patency of the vessel.


Angina pectoris or other symptom triggered by exertion

  • The way to proceed can be agreed upon in a regional care pathway, but a cardiologist's assessment is often needed concerning the indication of the procedure. The suitability of the patient for potential invasive treatment interventions (PCI or CABG) and for the necessary pharmacotherapy should be assessed beforehand.
  • Exercise-related angina pectoris symptoms (chest pain, dyspnoea, fatigue) during medication and a very high pretest probability of CHD (> 85%): consider either coronary angiography or other type of diagnostic imaging.
  • Exercise-related symptoms that repeatedly disturb the life of the patient despite optimal medication, when the pretest probability of CHD is 15-85% and the patient has findings suggestive of ischaemia either in an exercise stress test or in another diagnostic imaging study.
  • Exercise-related angina pectoris symptoms (chest pain, dyspnoea, fatigue) during medication, when the pretest probability of CHD is HASH(0x304aee0) 15% and the patient has some other finding suggestive of ischaemia (reduced left ventricular function or a local wall motion disturbance, arrhythmias).

Acute chest pain

Other indications

  • Heart failure of unknown aetiology or wall motion disturbance: search for the cause
  • As further investigation in a patient surviving resuscitation after ventricular fibrillation
  • Assessment of invasive management of a valvular heart disease
  • Assessment prior to heart transplantation
