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Evidence summaries

Vaccination Against Mycobacterium Leprae

N. ICRC and BCG + killed M. leprae vaccines are the most effective vaccines against M. leprae according to one large trial. BCG alone is not quite as effective, but its effectiveness has been corroborated in independent trials. Level of evidence: "A"

A topic in Clinical Evidence 1 summarizes the results of one large RCT performed in India. Four vaccines were compared to normal saline in 171 400 healthy people aged 1-65 years. The most effective vaccines were ICRC vaccine (RRR 65.5%, 95% CI 48.0% to 77.0%) and Calmette Guerin (BCG) plus killed M leprae (64.0%, 95% CI 50.4% to 73.9%), followed by BCG alone (34%, 95% CI 13.5% to 49.8%). The effect of Mycobacterium w vaccine was marginal (25.5%, 95% CI 1.9% to 43.8%). Three quasi-controlled trials in Uganda, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea found that BCG vaccine was more effective than placebo in reducing the incidence of lepra.


  • Lockwood D. What are the effects of interventions to prevent leprosy? Clinical Evidence 2004;12:1105-1107.

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