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Selection of Antihypertensive Drugs

Selection of antihypertensive drugs

  • Select the drug individually.
  • The factors influencing the selection include
  • The algorithm contains a suggestion of the selection of antihypertensive drugs in association with different comorbidities and situations
    • Lääkkeiden järjestys rivillä on niiden suosituimmuusjärjestys.

Use of the algorithm with electronic health records

  • Diseases and risk factors found from the electronic health record are indicated with blue colour.
  • The drugs used by the patient according to the health record are indicated with blue colour
  • Suggestion for the next add-on drug is indicated with green colour
  • If the patient has several diseases or risks influencing drug selection, different drugs may be indicated with green colour. Clinical judgment must be used in these cases and select a drug with best ratio of benefits and harms