Indications for referral for an antiphospholipid antibody test and consultation of the outpatient clinic of internal diseases or haematology to exclude the antiphospholipid syndrome* |
*The first sample can be drawn on the maternity ward Source: Current Care Guideline Raskaudenaikainen kohonnut verenpaine ja pre-eklampsia [Gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia], Duodecim 2021 (modified) |
Early pre-eclampsia (delivery before gestational week 34+0) or severely delayed foetal growth (< -2 SD), HELLP or thrombocytopenia alone (blood platelets < 80 × 109 /litre) |
Recurrent miscarriage in the first trimester |
Foetal death (fetus mortus) in the second or third trimester, and placental infarction |
Indications for referral to an outpatient clinic of internal medicine or endocrinology to exclude secondary hypertension |
Blood pressure still elevated (140-160/90-100 mmHg), and critical values occurring at times (> 170/110 mmHg) |
Symptomatic hypertensive crises (emergency referral) |
In addition to hypertension, hypokalaemia, hypercalcemia, tachycardia and sweating |
Indications for referral to an outpatient clinic of internal medicine or nephrology to exclude nephropathy |
Proteinuria continuing after pregnancy with pre-eclampsia, or haematuria |