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Evidence summaries

Drug Interactions with Azole Antifungal Agents

Azole antifungals appear to have serious interactions with anti-histamines and cisapride. The doses of some other drugs should be decreased if used concomitantly with azole antifungals. Level of evidence: "C"

A systematic review 1 including 138 references was abstracted in DARE.

Azole antifungals appear to have some interaction with the majority of drugs reviewed, although the clinical cosequences of such interactions were not always clear. In some cases, such as anti-histamines or cisapride, azole antifungals are contraindicated. In others, including cyclosporine, digoxin, and phenytoin, drug doses should be reduced when antifungal agents are used concomitantly.

Comment: The quality of evidence is downgraded by severe limitations in review methdology.


  • Lomaestro BM, Piatek MA. Update on drug interactions with azole antifungal agents. Ann Pharmacother 1998 Sep;32(9):915-28. [PubMed][DARE]

Primary/Secondary Keywords