- A Big Toe Nail Infected by a Dermatophyte
- Acanthosis Nigricans
- Acanthosis Nigricans in the Neck
- Acanthosis Nigricans on the Back of the Neck
- Acanthosis Nigricans on the Neck
- A Close-Up Photo of Psoriatic Scales
- Acne
- Acne in an Infant
- Acne in a Steroid Abuser
- Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans (Aca)
- Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans on the Dorsal Aspect of the Hands
- Acrodermatitis Continua
- Acrodermatitis Continua (Hallopeau) in the Skin of the Thumb
- Actinic Cheilitis in the Lower Lip
- Actinic Keratosis in a Finger
- Actinic Keratosis on the Nose
- Actinic Keratosis on the Nose
- A Furrow of Scabies Mite in the Skin of the Wrist
- Age Atrophy with Ecchymoses on the Back of the Hand
- Age-Related Changes in the Nails
- A Large Viral Wart on the Side of a Finger
- Allergic Dermatitis on the Neck, Caused by Primula Obconica
- Allergic Exanthema
- Allergic Exanthema Caused by Carbamazepine
- Allergic Hand Dermatitis (Primula)
- Allergic Perioral Dermatitis
- Alopecia Areata
- Alopecia Areata
- Alopecia Universalis
- Amalgam Stains
- An Acne Cyst at the Base of the Nose
- Angiofibromas (Adenoma Sebaceum) on the Facial Skin
- Angio-Oedema
- Angular Cheilitis (Atopic Dermatitis) at the Corner of the Mouth in a Child
- Angular Cheilitis in an Elderly Person
- Annular Lichen Ruber Planus in the Inguinal Region
- Antibiotics and Antiseptics for Venous Leg Ulcers
- Antibiotics for Erysipeloid
- Antibiotics for Syphilis during Pregnancy
- Antibiotics in the Treatment of Superficial Abscesses
- Anti-Centromere and Anti-Scl-70 Antibodies in Systemic Sclerosis
- Antihistamines in the Treatment of Pruritus in Atopic Dermatitis
- Antistreptococcal Interventions for Guttate and Chronic Plaque Psoriasis
- Antiviral Agents for the Treatment of Recurrent Herpes Labialis
- Antiviral Drugs for Preventing Postherpetic Neuralgia
- A Patch of Subacute Dermatitis on the Side of the Nose
- Aphthous Stomatitis
- Arbovirus Arthritis (Close-Up)
- A Red Urticaria Wheal (Hives)
- Armpit Yeast Infection (Candidiasis)
- A Small Nodular Malignant Melanoma on the Back
- A Superficially Spreading Melanoma on the Chest
- Atopic Angular Cheilitis in a Child
- Atopic Dermatitis
- Atopic Dermatitis around the Mouth
- Atopic Dermatitis at Bend of the Elbow
- Atopic Dermatitis in the Ankle Region of an Infant
- Atopic Dermatitis in the Flexural Region of the Arms
- Atopic Dermatitis on the Back of the Thighs
- Atopic Dermatitis on the Eyelids
- Atopic Dermatitis on the Eyelids
- Atopic Dermatitis on the Facial Skin of an Infant
- Atopic Dermatitis on the Root of the Thigh
- Atopic Dermatitis on the Skin of the Buttocks
- Atopic Eczema in the Fingers
- Atopic Eczema on the Eyelids
- Atopic Eczema on the Hands
- Atopic Eczema Resembling Ringworm on the Buttock
- Atopic Plantar Dermatosis
- Atopic Winter Foot
- Atopic Winter Foot
- Atrophic Glossitis
- Atrophic Glossitis (Smooth Tongue)
- Atrophy of the Skin after Corticosteroid Injection
- Balanitis
- Balanitis Circinata
- Balanitis Circinata
- Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans
- Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans
- Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans
- Balanoposthitis (Spanish Collar)
- Basal Cell Carcinoma Behind the Earlobe (Treated with Cryotherapy)
- Basal Cell Carcinoma in the Auricle
- Basal Cell Carcinoma in the Auricle (Close-Up)
- Basal Cell Carcinoma in the Inner Canthus
- Basal Cell Carcinoma Under the Eye
- Beau's Lines
- Beds, Mattresses and Cushions for Pressure Sore Prevention
- Benign Acral Pigmented Naevus
- Benign Chronic Familial Pemphigus
- Bilateral Tinea Cruris
- Blue Naevus
- Blue Naevus, Naevus Caeruleus
- Bowen's Disease in the Forearm
- Bowen's Disease on the Face
- Buerger's Disease in Fingers
- Butterfly Rash
- Café Au Lait Spots
- Carbuncle Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus
- Cauliflowerlike Viral Wart on a Finger
- Challenge Testing - Open or Blinded?
- Change in a Pigment Naevus
- Cherry Angioma
- Cherry Angioma
- Chickenpox, Lesions on the Back
- Chickenpox; Lesions on the Forehead
- Chickenpox (Close-Up)
- Chickenpox (Close-Up View of a Vesicle)
- Chickenpox in an Adult
- Chickenpox in an Adult
- Chilblains (Perniosis)
- Choice of Treatment in Psoriasis
- Chronic Eczema in the Palm of the Hand
- Chronic Hand Dermatitis
- Chronic Paronychia
- Chronic Photosensitivity (Drug-Induced)
- Chronic Polymorphous Light Eruption on the Skin of the Arm
- Chronic Ulcer in the Leg
- Clavus in the Big Toe
- Clubbing of Nails
- Combination Regimens of Topical Calcipotriene in Chronic Plaque Psoriasis
- Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills (Cocs) for Treatment of Acne
- Comedonal Acne
- Comedones in the Cheek
- Comparison of Different Dressings for Healing Venous Leg Ulcers
- Compression for Preventing Recurrence of Venous Ulcers
- Compression for Venous Leg Ulcers
- Condylomata Acuminata around the Anus
- Condylomata Acuminata in the Anus
- Condylomata Acuminata on Preputium
- Condylomata Acuminata on Preputium
- Condylomata Acuminata on the Penis
- Congenital Naevus
- Congenital Naevus on the Leg of a Young Girl
- Contact Dermatitis of the Hands
- Continuous Terbinafine Compared with Intermittent Itraconazole in Treatment of Toenail Onychomycosis
- Corticosteroids and Vitamin D Analogues for Chronic Plaque Psoriasis
- Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
- Crusted Herpes Vesicles in the Finger
- Cryotherapy for Warts
- Cryotherapy of Auricular Basal Cell Carcinoma
- Cutaneous Horn
- Cutaneous Horn
- Cutaneous Horn on the Nose
- Cutaneous Manifestations of Food Allergy
- Cyclosporin for Psoriasis
- Cystic Acne in a Young Man
- Cystic Acne on the Back
- Cystic Acne on the Chest
- Cystic Acne on the Frontal Skin
- Damage Caused by Manipulation of the Nail
- Debridement of Chronic Wounds
- Debridement of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
- Deer Fly Bite on the Scalp
- Dermatitis Herpetiformis on the Buttocks
- Dermatitis Herpetiformis on the Knees
- Dermatitis Herpetiformis on the Skin of the Elbow Region
- Dermatofibroma
- Dermatofibroma
- Dermatofibroma
- Dermographism
- Dermographism
- Dermographism on the Shoulder
- Desquamative Gingivitis
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Dermatoscopy in Detecting Malignant Melanoma
- Diagnostic Tests in Dermatology
- Diagnostic Tests in Dermatology - Related Resources
- Differential Diagnosis of Mole and Melanoma
- Diffuse Alopecia Areata
- Diffuse Scleroderma
- Digital Mucoid Cyst
- Dilated Sweat Glands
- Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
- Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
- Discoid Lupus Erythematosus in the Scalp
- Discoid Lupus Erythematosus on the Scalp
- Dithranol for Chronic Plaque Psoriasis
- Does a Toddler or an Older Child Require Supplementation When Milk is Eliminated from the Diet?
- Doses Needed to Elicit Reaction during Food Challenge
- Drug Exanthema
- Drug Interactions with Azole Antifungal Agents
- Drugs for Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
- Drug Treatments for Lice
- Dry-Type Tinea on Plantar Skin
- Eccrine Cyst on the Eyelid
- Eczema Herpeticum: Generalized Herpes on the Face
- Eczema Herpeticum on the Face
- Eczema of the Legs
- Eczema on the Lower Leg Due to Venous Insufficiency
- Educational Interventions for Atopic Eczema in Children
- Effect of Age on Skin Prick Tests
- Eflornithine Treatment in Women with Facial Hirsutism
- Egg Elimination Diet in the Treatment of Atopic Eczema
- Electromagnetic Therapy for Treating Pressure Ulcers
- Elephantiasis of Both Legs
- Emergency Treatment of Malignant Extradural Spinal Cord Compression
- Enteroviral Skin Lesions in the Feet
- Eosinophilic Folliculitis
- Epidermoid Carcinoma of the Tongue in an Early Phase
- Epidermoid Cyst at the Base of the Nose
- Erysipelas Leading to Amputation
- Erysipelas of the Auricle
- Erysipelas of the Face
- Erysipelas of the Leg
- Erysipelas of the Leg
- Erysipeloid in the Fingers (after Treatment)
- Erysipeloid in the Fingers (Before Treatment)
- Erythema Fixum on the Foreskin
- Erythema Induratum at the Back Side of the Leg
- Erythema Migrans
- Erythema Migrans
- Erythema Migrans
- Erythema Migrans
- Erythema Migrans
- Erythema Migrans
- Erythema Migrans in the Foot Caused by Borrelia
- Erythema Migrans on the Thigh
- Erythema Multiforme
- Erythema Multiforme
- Erythema Multiforme Major in the Mouth
- Erythema Multiforme on the Back of the Hand
- Erythema Multiforme on the Feet
- Erythema Multiforme on the Knees
- Erythema Multiforme on the Palm
- Erythema Multiforme with Cockade Lesions
- Erythema Nodosum Migrans on the Dorsal Surface of the Toes
- Erythema Nodosum on the Leg
- Erythema Nodosum on the Leg
- Erythrasma in the Groin
- Erythrasma in the Groin
- Erythrodermic Psoriasis
- Erythrodermic Psoriasis in the Back
- Erythroplakia
- Exanthema Caused by Amoxicillin
- Excessive Hair Growth on the Face Due to Steroid Abuse
- Excision Margin for Malignant Melanoma
- Extensive Weeping Nummular Dermatitis (Infectious Dermatitis)
- Fibroma Molle
- Filiform Papilla Atrophy at the Median Sulcus of the Tongue
- Fingernail Onychomycosis
- Fingernails Destroyed by Lichen Planus
- Finger Tip Dermatitis
- Fixed Drug Eruption
- Fixed Drug Eruption
- Flame Naevus in the Forearm of a Child
- Flat Warts on the Hand
- Flexural Psoriasis
- Flexural Psoriasis in the Armpit
- Flexural Psoriasis in the Infra-Mammary Region
- Folliculitis in the Beard Region
- Folliculitis of the Axillary Region
- Folliculitis on the Hairy Scalp
- Fulminant Rosacea
- Fumarates for Psoriasis
- Furuncle on the Abdomen
- Generalised Scabies (Scabies Norwegica)
- Geographic Tongue
- Geographic Tongue
- Geographic Tongue
- Gianotti-Crosti (Close-Up)
- Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome at the Elbows
- Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome on the Cheeks of a Child
- Glomus Tumour
- Glucocorticoid Therapies for Treating Oral Lichen Planus
- Granuloma Annulare on the Ankle
- Grass Allergy and Wheat Allergy (Cereal Allergy)
- Guttate Psoriasis
- Haemangioma
- Haematoma Under the Nail
- Hairy Pigmented Naevus
- Hairy Tongue
- Healed Atrophic Glossitis
- Healing by Primary Versus Secondary Intention after Surgical Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus
- Heavy Scalp Psoriasis
- Henoch-Schönlein Purpura in the Buttocks
- Herpes around the Eye
- Herpes Eczema in Glans Penis
- Herpes Vesicles in the Finger
- Herpes Vesicles in the Penis
- Herpes Zoster in the Pelvic Region
- Herpes Zoster on the Back
- Herpes Zoster on the Buttock
- Herpes Zoster on the Chest
- Herpes Zoster on the Thigh
- Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus on the Forehead and around the Eye
- Hippocratic Nails
- Hirsutism Caused by Anabolic Steroid Abuse
- Home-Based End-of-Life Care
- How Strict Should an Elimination Diet be?
- Hydroxychloroquine in the Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Hydroxyurea for Psoriasis
- Hyperkeratosis of the Heel
- Hypertrophic Scar at the Elbow
- Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Hypoplasia
- Ichthyosis (Close-Up)
- Ichthyosis on the Shoulder
- Iga Vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein Purpura)
- Iga Vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein Purpura) in the Foot
- Iga Vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein Purpura) in the Legs
- Iloprost and Cisaprost for Raynaud's Phenomenon in Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
- Immunotherapy for Allergic Diseases
- Impetigo at the Corner of the Mouth
- Impetigo Contagiosa around the Mouth Mixed with Atopic Dermatitis
- Impetigo Contagiosa below the Nostrils
- Impetigo Contagiosa in its Typical Location in the Angle of the Mouth
- Impetigo Contagiosa in the Angle of the Mouth
- Infantile Facial Atopic Dermatitis
- Infantile Haemangioma
- Infectious Dermatitis at the Ankles
- Infectious Dermatitis in the Legs
- Ingrowing Nail
- Ingrown Toenail
- Insect Bite Reaction
- Insect Bite Reaction
- Insect Bite Reaction with a Bullous Lesion
- Interdigital Dermatitis
- Interdigital Tinea
- Interdigitial Tinea Pedis (Athlete's Foot)
- Interferon Alpha for the Adjuvant Treatment of Cutaneous Melanoma
- Intermittent Pneumatic Compression for Treating Venous Leg Ulcers
- Interpretation of Skin Prick Tests
- Interventions for Alopecia Areata
- Interventions for Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin
- Interventions for Bullous Pemphigoid
- Interventions for Chronic Palmoplantar Pustulosis
- Interventions for Cutaneous Molluscum Contagiosum
- Interventions for Erosive Lichen Planus
- Interventions for Female Pattern Hair Loss
- Interventions for Female Pattern Hair Loss
- Interventions for Hidradenitis Suppurativa
- Interventions for Impetigo
- Interventions for Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid and Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita
- Interventions for Oral Mucositis in Patients Receiving Treatment for Cancer
- Interventions for Pemphigus
- Interventions for Pityriasis Rosea
- Interventions for Preventing Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers in High-Risk Groups
- Interventions for Rosacea
- Interventions for Treating Oral Leukoplakia
- Interventions for Vitiligo
- Interventions to Reduce Staphylococcus Aureus in the Management of Atopic Eczema
- Intradermal Naevi with Long Hairs
- Intradermal Naevus
- Irritant Dermatitis in the Armpit
- Itch in the Mid-Back (Notalgia)
- Junction Naevus
- Junction Naevus of the Nose
- Keloid at the Site of a Cosmetic Excision of a Small Nevus
- Keloid at the Site of Piercing for an Earring
- Keloid in a Surgical Scar in the Groin
- Keloid Scar
- Keloid Scar on the Upper Arm
- Keloid Scars on the Chest
- Keratoacanthoma
- Keratoacanthoma in the Lower Lip
- Keratoacanthoma in the Upper Lid
- Ketokonazole Shampoo in the Treatment of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
- Koene's Tumour in the Nail
- Koilonychia (Spoon Nails)
- Labial Herpes
- Labial Herpes
- Laboratory Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
- Laser and Photoepilation for Unwanted Hair Growth
- Leg Ulcer
- Leg Ulcer
- Leg Ulcer at Medial Ankle
- Lentigo Maligna Melanoma
- Lentigo Maligna Melanoma
- Lentigo on the Cheek
- Leuconychia
- Leucoplakia
- Leukocytoclastic Purpura on the Legs
- Lichen Aureus in the Leg
- Lichen Aureus on the Ankle
- Lichenified Atopic Eczema on the Wrist
- Lichenified Dermatitis in the Axillary Fold
- Lichen Planus
- Lichen Planus
- Lichen Planus in the Armpit
- Lichen Planus in the Axillary Fossa
- Lichen Planus in the Back of the Hand
- Lichen Planus in the Hair Follicles on the Scalp
- Lichen Planus in the Ventral Side of the Wrist
- Lichen Planus of the Tongue
- Lichen Planus on Buccal Mucosa
- Lichen Planus on the Buccal Mucosa
- Lichen Planus on the Glans Penis
- Lichen Planus on the Leg
- Lichen Planus on the Lower Lip (Wickham Striae)
- Lichen Sclerosus Et Atrophicus (LSA) on the Skin of the Foreskin
- Lidocaine/Prilocaine Cream as a Local Anaesthetic for Curettage of Molluscum Contagiosum Lesions
- Local Treatment and Prevention of Solar Keratosis with Tretinoin
- Local Treatments for Cutaneous Warts
- Loss of Hair Due to Anabolic Steroid Abuse
- Lyell's Syndrome
- Lymphangitis Associated with Tularaemia
- Lymphocytoma, Induced by Borrelia Infection
- Macroglossia in a Patient with Amyloidosis
- Malignant Melanoma of the Acral Lentiginous Type
- Malignant Melanoma on the Chest
- Malignant Melanoma on the Lateral Side of the Foot
- Maternal Antigen Avoidance during Lactation for Preventing Atopic Disease in Infants
- Maternal Dietary Antigen Avoidance during Pregnancy for Preventing Atopic Diseases in Infants
- Measles
- Measles
- Measles
- Median Canaliform Nail Dystrophy
- Median Rhomboid Glossitis
- Melanoma
- Melanoma
- Melanoma
- Melanoma
- Melanoma
- Melanoma
- Melanoma on the Skin of the Back
- Melanoma on the Temple
- Melasma
- Merkel Cell Carcinoma
- Methotrexate for Psoriasis
- Milker's Nodules with Secondary Erythema Multiforme -Reaction
- Minocycline for Acne Vulgaris
- Mollusca Contagiosa
- Molluscum Contagiosum in Close-Up
- Molluscum Contagiosum on the Eyelid
- Mongolian Spots on the Back of an Infant
- Morbus Ritter, Pemphigus Neonatorum
- Mosaic Wart in the Ball of the Foot
- Mosaic Wart in the Ball of the Foot
- Mucocele on the Lower Lip
- Multiple Erythema Migrans (Em)
- Myxoid Cyst at the Nail Fold
- Myxoid Cyst in a Toe
- Myxoid Cyst in a Toe
- Naevus Spilus
- Nail Damage
- Nail Damage Caused by Paronychia
- Nail Lesions Caused by Eczema
- Nail Lesions Caused by Paronychia
- Nail with Pseudomonas Infection
- Necrobiosis Lipoidica
- Necrobiosis Lipoidica
- Necrobiosis Lipoidica on the Leg
- Necrotic Skin Ulcer Caused by Tularaemia
- Neomycin Allergy
- Neurodermatitis Behind the Ankle
- Neurodermatitis in the Gluteal Cleft
- Neurodermatitis Nuchae
- Neurodermatitis on the Ankle
- Neurodermatitis on the Back of the Neck
- Neurodermatitis on the Skin of the Leg
- Neurodermatitis on the Skin of the Leg (Hypertrophic Lichen Planus?)
- Neurofibromas
- Nickel Allergy
- Nickel Allergy Reaction on the Skin of the Back
- Nits of Pubic Lice in the Pubic Hair
- Nodular, Thick Melanoma in the Leg of an Elderly Lady
- Nodular Basalioma (Basal Cell Carcinoma)
- Nodular Melanoma in the Forehead
- Nodular Prurigo
- Nodular Prurigo in the Arms
- Nummular (Discoid) Dermatitis
- Nummular Dermatitis
- Nummular Dermatitis
- Nummular Dermatitis in a Child
- Nummular Dermatitis on the Hand
- Nummular Dermatitis on the Leg
- Nummular Dermatitis on the Thigh
- Nummular Eczema on the Hand
- Nutritional Interventions for Preventing and Treating Pressure Ulcers
- Ocular Symptoms of Rosacea
- Onychomycosis
- Oral Ivermectin for Head Lice
- Oral Pentoxifylline for Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers
- Oral Tetracycline, Topical Metronidazole, and Topical Erythromycin in the Treatment of Perioral Dermatitis
- Oral Tetracycline for Acne
- Oral Treatments for Fungal Infections of the Skin of the Foot
- Oral Zinc for Chronic Leg Ulcers
- Paget's Disease of the Nipple
- Palmar Psoriasis
- Papular Acrodermatitis (Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome)
- Papulopustular Acne on the Face
- Papulopustular Acne on the Face
- Paronychia as an Adverse Effect of Isotretinoin
- Parvovirus Infection
- Patch Testing
- Patchy Dermatitis on the Female Neck
- Patchy Discoid Lupus Erythematosus on the Scalp
- Patient Education for Preventing Diabetic Foot Ulceration
- Pemphigoid
- Pemphigoid on the Upper Trunk
- Penile Pearly Papules
- Perianal Streptococcal Dermatitis
- Periocular Dermatitis
- Periocular Dermatitis
- Periocular Dermatitis
- Perioral Dermatitis
- Perioral Dermatitis
- Perioral Dermatitis
- Perioral Dermatitis
- Perioral Dermatitis at the Nose Wings
- Perioral Dermatitis Under the Nose
- Phytophotodermatitis
- Phytophotodermatitis
- Piezogenic Papules in the Heel
- Pigmentation in the Leg after Prolonged Stasis Dermatitis
- Pigment Deposits in the Gingivae
- Pigmented Basalioma
- Pigmented Naevus
- Pigmented Naevus
- Pigmented Purpuric Dermatitis in the Legs
- Pitted Keratolysis on the Sole
- Pityriasis Amiantacea
- Pityriasis Rosea
- Pityriasis Rosea on the Abdomen
- Pityriasis Rosea on the Chest with Herald Patch on the Upper Arm
- Pityriasis Rosea on the Neck
- Pityriasis Rosea on the Neck and Upper Trunk
- Pityriasis Rosea on the Trunk
- Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris on the Body of a Child
- Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris on the Knees
- Pityriasis Versicolor
- Pityriasis Versicolor
- Pityriasis Versicolor of the Trunk
- Pityriasis Versicolor on the Flank
- Plantar Psoriasis
- Plantar Tinea
- Plantar Tinea Pedis
- Plantar Viral Warts
- Plantar Wart
- Plantar Wart
- Plaque Psoriasis
- Poikiloderma of Civatte
- Polycyclic Tinea Corporis
- Pompholyx in the Thenar of the Hand
- Porphyria Cutanea Tarda on the Backs of the Hands
- Prazosin for Raynaud's Phenomenon in Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
- Pressure Ulcer
- Pressure Ulcer on the Heel
- Preventing Oral Candidiasis in Cancer Patients
- Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy- and Radiation-Induced Oral Mucositis
- Prevention of Foot Ulcers in Diabetics
- Prevention of Skin Cancer
- Primary Amyloidosis in the Upper Eyelids
- Primary Ulcer (Chancre) of Syphilis on the Penis
- Pseudoacanthosis Nigricans
- Psoriasis (Lytic Lesions) in the Fingernails
- Psoriasis around the Eye of a Child
- Psoriasis in the Glans Penis
- Psoriasis in the Scalp Area
- Psoriasis Inversa in the Anal Cleft
- Psoriasis Inversa in the Navel
- Psoriasis on Palmar Skin
- Psoriasis on the Central Skin of the Back
- Psoriasis on the Elbow Region
- Psoriasis on the Extensor Aspect of the Arm
- Psoriasis on the Forehead
- Psoriasis on the Knees
- Psoriasis on the Scalp
- Psoriasis on the Scalp
- Psoriasis Vulgaris in a Young Boy
- Psoriatic Lesions on Scalp Skin
- Psoriatic Nail Changes
- Psoriatic Nail Changes
- Psoriatic Nail Changes
- Psoriatic Nail Changes
- Psoriatic Nail Changes and Psoriatic Arthritis
- Psoriatic Nails with All the Common Features
- Psoriatic Nails with Onycholysis
- Psoriatic Onycholysis
- Psoriatic Plaques
- Psoriatic Plaques with Auspitz Sign
- Psoriatic Plaque with Auspitz Sign
- Pubertal Acne
- Purpura in the Foot
- Purpura Pigmentosa in the Lower Leg
- Pustular Psoriasis in the Foot
- Pustulosis Palmaris
- Pustulosis Palmoplantaris
- Pustulosis Palmoplantaris (Coalesced Pustules) on the Palms
- Pyogenic Granuloma in the Finger
- Recurrent Herpes Simplex in the Face
- Reed Naevus
- Respiratory Symptoms of Food Allergy
- Retinoids for Psoriasis
- Risks of Elimination Diets
- Rosacea
- Rosacea
- Rosacea
- Rosacea in the Upper Lip
- Rosacea on the Cheek
- Rosacea on the Nose
- Sarcoidosis
- Sarcoidosis in a Scar
- Sarcoidosis on Facial Skin
- Sarcoidosis on the Facial Skin
- Scabies
- Scabies' Furrows
- Scabies (Universal Eruption)
- Scabies in a Young Child
- Scabies on the Hand
- Scabies on the Penis
- Scabies Papules in the Scrotum
- Scabies with Secondary Infection
- Scar Sarcoidosis
- Scleroderma Circumscripta
- Sebaceous Hyperplasia
- Sebaceous Naevus on the Scalp
- Sebopsoriasis Behind the Ear
- Sebopsoriasis of the Earlobe
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis in Hairy Scalp
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis in the Axilla
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis in the Groin
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis in the Midline Region of the Back Skin
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis in the Nasolabial Fold
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis of the Scalp
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis on the Penis
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis on the Preauricular and Scalp Area
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis on the Preauricular Hairy Skin
- Seborrhoeic Dermatitis on the Scrotal Skin
- Seborrhoeic Eczema in the Face
- Seborrhoeic Eczema in the Gluteal Cleft
- Seborrhoeic Eczema in the Groin
- Seborrhoeic Eczema in the Groin
- Seborrhoeic Eczema in the Scalp
- Seborrhoeic Keratoses on the Cheek
- Seborrhoeic Keratosis (Seborrhoeic Wart)
- Seborrhoeic Keratosis in the Armpit Area
- Seborrhoeic Keratosis of the Lower Eyelid
- Seborrhoeic Keratosis of the Lower Eyelid Before and after Cryotherapy
- Seborrhoeic Keratosis on the Chest
- Seborrhoeic Wart
- Seborrhoeic Wart
- Seborrhoeic Wart Behind the Ear
- Seborrhoeic Wart in the Lower Eyelid
- Secondarily Infected Atopic Dermatitis in the Popliteal Region
- Selenium Sulphide Shampoo in the Treatment of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
- Self-Inflicted Skin Lesions
- Severe Allergic Contact Dermatitis on the Hands
- Severe Atopic Dermatitis around the Mouth
- Severe Cystic Acne on the Face
- Severe Tinea Cruris
- Should a Lactating Mother Follow an Elimination Diet after the Infant is Diagnosed with Food Allergy?
- Signs of Secondary Syphilis on the Palm
- Signs of Secondary Syphilis on the Soles
- Skin Atrophy Caused by Local Corticosteroids
- Skin Eruption Between a Child's Toes Caused by Atopic Dermatitis
- Skin Grafting for Venous Leg Ulcers
- Skin Prick Testing
- Skin Symptoms in Sle
- Skin Tumour of Leukaemia
- Snowball Fingers - a Manifestation of Atopic Dermatitis
- Solar Elastosis
- Solar Keratosis on the Nose
- Soya-Based Infant Formula in Milk Allergy
- Spindle Cell Naevus
- Spindle Cell Naevus on the Cheek
- Spironolactone Hirsutism
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cheek
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lower Lip
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Lip
- Staphylococcal Folliculitis in the Beard Region
- Staphylococcal Impetigo in the Axillary Region in an Adult
- Staphylococcus Aureus Infection on a Finger
- Stasis Dermatitis (Eczema Staticum) on the Leg
- Stasis Dermatitis on the Leg
- Stasis Dermatitis on the Leg
- Stasis Purpura on the Leg of a Male Patient
- Statins and Fibrates for Preventing Melanoma
- Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
- Stretch Marks in the Armpit
- Stretch Marks on the Thigh
- Stretch Marks on the Thigh Due to Steroid Abuse
- Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
- Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
- Subungual Exostosis
- Subungual Haematoma
- Subungual Viral Wart
- Sulphasalazine for Psoriasis
- Sunburn (Erythema Solare)
- Sunscreen Cream in the Prevention of Solar Keratosis
- Sunscreen in the Prevention of Malignant and Pre-Malignant Skin Lesions
- Sunscreens for the Prevention of Recurrent Herpes Labialis
- Superficial Basalioma
- Surgical Treatments for Ingrowing Toenails
- Swelling around the Eye in an HAE Patient
- Swimming Pool Granuloma in the Hand
- Swollen Hand of an HAE Patient
- Syphilides on the Sole
- Syphilitic Roseola in Secondary Syphilis
- Syringocystadenoma Behind the Ear
- Systemic Antibiotics in the Treatment of Impetigo in Children
- Systemic Antifungal Therapy for Tinea Capitis in Children
- Systemic Therapy for Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Syndrome
- Systemic Treatments for Severe Psoriasis
- Tartrazine Exclusion for Allergic Asthma
- Tazaroten in the Treatment of Psoriasis
- T-Cell Lymphoma of the Skin (Mycosis Fungoides)
- The Effects of Fluid Status and Fluid Therapy on the Dying
- The Long-Term Suitability of Hydrolysed Infant Formula
- Therapeutic Ultrasound for Pressure Sores
- Therapeutic Ultrasound for Venous Leg Ulcers
- The Short-Term Suitability of Hydrolysed Infant Formula in Immediate Milk Allergy
- The Therapeutic Use of Topical Contact Sensitizers in Alopecia Areata (Aa)
- Thumbnail Onychomycosis
- Tinea Corporis
- Tinea Corporis on the Forearm
- Tinea Cruris
- Tinea Cruris
- Tinea Cruris
- Tinea Cruris in a Female
- Tinea Cruris in a Woman
- Tinea Cruris in Male Patient
- Tinea Manus
- Tinea of the Scalp
- Tinea Pedis in the Lateral Toe Web
- Topical Agents or Dressings for Pain in Venous Leg Ulcers
- Topical and Oral Treatments in People with Acne Vulgaris
- Topical Antifungals for Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
- Topical Antifungal Treatments for Tinea Cruris and Tinea Corporis
- Topical High Concentration Capsaicin for Chronic Neuropathic Pain in Adults
- Topical Pimecrolimus for Eczema
- Topical Tacrolimus for Atopic Dermatitis
- Topical Treatments for Fungal Infections of the Skin and Nails of the Foot
- Toxic/Atopic Dermatitis in a Finger Tip
- Toxic Dermatitis on the Dorsal Aspect of the Fingers
- Toxic Erythema in the Newborn
- Toxic Napkin Rash
- Trachyonychia in a Child (Twenty Nail Dystrophy)
- Trachyonychia in a Patient with Alopecia
- Treatment of Atopic Eczema with Diet
- Treatment of Early Lyme Disease
- Treatment of Keloids with Cryosurgery or Corticosteroid Injections
- Treatment of Lichen Planus
- Treatment of Lupus Nephritis
- Treatment of Tinea Capitis
- Treatments for Scabies
- Trichotillomania
- Trichotillomania: Close-Up
- Tularaemia
- Tularaemia-Induced Exanthema
- Unusual Lichen Planus on the Hairy Neck Skin
- Urticaria and Arthritis in the Foot
- Urticarial Rash and Arthritis in a Child
- Urticarial Vasculitis
- Urticaria of the Hands
- Use of Medication during Pregnancy - Related Resources
- Varicella Lesions (Close-Up)
- Varicella Scars
- Varicella Skin Eruption on the Forehead
- Vasculitis Leucocytoclastica
- Venous Lake Haemangioma on the Lower Lip
- Venous Lake on the Lip
- Venous Lake on the Lower Lip
- Venous Ulcer on the Leg Skin
- Viral Wart in the Nail Wall
- Viral Warts on Fingers
- Vitiligo in the Armpit
- Vitiligo on the Forehead
- Vitiligo on the Forehead and Crown of the Head
- Vulvar Candidiasis of a Baby
- Washboard Nails
- Weeping Nummular Dermatitis (Eczema) on the Back of the Hand
- When Should a Child with Cow's Milk Allergy be Given a Soya-Based Infant Formula?
- When Should Amino Acid-Derived Formulas be Introduced to Infants with Cow's Milk Allergy?
- White Superficial Onychomycosis
- Widespread Alopecia Areata
- Widespread Erythema Multiforme on the Body
- Widespread Merkel Cell Carcinoma with Metastases
- Widespread Psoriasis, Affecting Most of the Body Surface
- Xanthelasma
- washboard Nail Caused by Hand Eczema