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Evidence summaries

Ondansetron Compared to Droperidol and Metoclopramide in the Prevention of Emesis in Adults

Prophylactic ondansetron has similar efficacy as droperidol and metoclopramide in the prevention of emesis in adults. Level of evidence: "A"

A systematic review 1 including 25 studies with a total of 2 853 subjects was abstracted in DARE.

There was no clear benefit for ondansetron compared with metoclopramide or droperidol. The significant heterogeneity found at the 0.1 level (heterogeneity p=0.08) for ondansetron versus metoclopramide was explained by type of surgery and duration of outcome assessment. Outcome type, ondansetron dose level, and the validity criteria did not influence the outcome.

Ondansetron versus metoclopramide (16 RCTs involving 1 981 patients): The pooled RR of post-oprative vomiting using a random-effects model was 0.74 (95% CI: 0.54 to 1.00).


  • Lim L, Dear KB, Heller RF. A systematic review of the antiemetic efficacy of prophylactic ondansetron compared with metoclopramide and with droperidol in adults. Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs 1999, 16(1-2), 41-58. [DARE]

Primary/Secondary Keywords