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Evidence summaries

Life-Threatening Complications of Acupuncture

The reported serious adverse effects of acupuncture may often be associated with "deep needling" or inoculation of infectious agents. Level of evidence: "C"

A systematic review 1 including 56 studies (mainly case reports) was abstracted in DARE. The 5 fatalities recorded included two septicaemia, two cardiac tamponade, one acute asthmatic attack. Adverse reactions reported included infectios such as hepatitis B, HIV and sub-acute bacterial endocarditis; trauma such as pneumothorax and cardiac tamponade; miscellaneous including dermatitis, spinal cord injury and suppression of a demand pacemaker by electromagnetic interference.

A systematic review 3 including 78 studies with a total of 193 patients was abstracted in DARE. Mechanical organ injuries (pneumothorax, pseudoaneurysm, compartment syndrome, deep venous thrombophlebitis, spinal injury, nerve injury and upper urinary tract injury was reported in 33 reports. Infection (hepatitis, auricular chondritis, bacterial endocarditis, myelitis, staphylococcal sepsis, psoas abscess, and lymphocytoma cutis) was reported in 31 reports. Sixteen articles reported of other adverse effects. There were 3 deaths reported: one from bilateral pneumothorax, one from endocarditis, and one from severe asthma while under acupuncture treatment.


  • Ernst E, White A. Life-threatening adverse reactions after acupuncture? A systematic review. Pain 1997 Jun;71(2):123-6. [PubMed] [DARE]
  • Norheim AJ. Adverse effects of acupuncture: a study of the literature for the years 1981-1994. J Altern Complement Med 1996 Summer;2(2):291-7. [PubMed][DARE]

Primary/Secondary Keywords