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Evidence summaries

Sonography in the Diagnosis of Axillary Lymph Node Metastases in Breast Cancer

Axillary sonography seems to have moderate sensitivity and good specificity for the diagnosis of axillary metastatic involvement in women with breast cancer. Sonographically guided biopsy seems to have good specificity but poor sensitivity. Level of evidence: "D"

A systematic review 1 including 16 studies was abstracted in DARE. 14 studies were prospective and 8 of these recruited consecutive patients.

Studies that included axillae with both palpable and non-palpable nodes: In studies in which the criterion for positivity was based on size, the sensitivity ranged from 66 to 73% and the pooled sensitivity was 69% (95% CI 63 to 75, no evidence of heterogeneity) and the specificity ranged from 44 to 98% and the pooled specificity was 75% (95% CI 70 to 80, with strong evidence of heterogeneity, p<0.001). In studies in which the criterion for positivity was based on morphology, the sensitivity ranged from 55 to 92% and the specificity from 80 to 97%. The pooled sensitivity and pooled specificity were 71% (95% CI 65 to 76) and 86% ( 95% CI 83 to 89) respectively; there was strong evidence of heterogeneity in both measures (p<0.003).

Studies that included axillae with non-palpable nodes only: In studies in which the criterion for positivity was based on size, the sensitivity ranged from 49 to 87% and the specificity from 78 to 97%. The pooled sensitivity and pooled specificity were 61% (95% CI 55 to 67) and 77% (95% CI 72 to 82), respectively; there was strong evidence of heterogeneity in both measures (p<0.001). In studies in which the criterion for positivity was based on morphology, the sensitivity ranged from 26 to 76% and the specificity from 89 to 98%. The pooled sensitivity and pooled specificity were 44% (95% CI 65 to 76) and 92% (95% CI 89 to 95%), respectively; there was strong evidence of heterogeneity in both measures (p<0.02).

Sonographically guided biopsy: In needle biopsy studies, the sensitivity ranged from 25 to 95% and the pooled sensitivity was 75% (95% CI 70 to 79) with strong evidence of heterogeneity (p<0.001). Specificity was 97% in 1 study and 100% in all other 7 studies. In studies of all axillae, the sensitivity ranged from 6 to 63% and the pooled sensitivity was 45% (95% CI 40 to 51) with strong evidence of heterogeneity (p<0.001). Specificity was 100% in all studies.

Comment: The quality of evidence is downgraded by limitations in both study and review quality, by potential reporting bias, and by inconsistency (heterogeneity between the studies).


  • Alvarez S, Anorbe E, Alcorta P, et al. Role of sonography in the diagnosis of axillary lymph node metastases in breast cancer: a systematic review. American Journal of Roentgenology 2006; 186(5): 1342-1348 [DARE]

Primary/Secondary Keywords