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Evidence summaries

Fish Consumption and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality

Fish consumption may decrease the risk of coronary death in high-risk populations, but probably not in low-risk populations. Level of evidence: "C"

A systematic review 1 including 11 cohort studies with a total of 116 764 subjects was abstracted in DARE. In the 4 high-quality studies, the two largest were performed in populations at low risk of coronary heart disease. They found no protective effect of fish consumption. The other two high-quality studies were relatively small and included individuals at higher risk. They both found an inverse relationship between fish consumption and coronary hear disease death, suggesting that 40-60 g fish per day is optimal and associated with a risk reduction of 40-60 percent.


  • Marckmann P, Grønbaek M. Fish consumption and coronary heart disease mortality. A systematic review of prospective cohort studies. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999 Aug;53(8):585-90. [PubMed][DARE]

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