Nonsterile Tray for Anesthesia and Postop Care
- Nonsterile gloves
- Povidone-iodine solution soaked into 4 × 4 gauze (in a sterile basin)
- 10-mL syringe filled with 1% lidocaine
- 25- or 27-gauge 11/4-in. needle
- 1/2 in. of antibiotic ointment on gauze
- 2 in. of nonsterile 4 × 4 gauze
- Patient-supplied athletic supporter
- 1 postoperative semen collection container (with patient's name) in brown paper bag
- Formalin container for excised portions of vas deferens
- Basin with sterile water poured onto 1 in. of 4 × 4 gauze (for cleaning scrotum after procedure)