section name header


Isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICD) catalyzes the decarboxylation of isocitrate in the Krebs cycle. This enzyme is important in controlling the rate of the cycle, which must be precisely adjusted to meet the energy needs of cells. ICD is found in the liver, heart, skeletal muscle, placenta, platelets, and erythrocytes.

Reference Values

Conventional UnitsSI Units
Newborns4.0-28.0 U/L0.06-0.48 µkat/L
Adults1.27-7.0 U/L0.02-0.12 µkat/L

Interfering Factors


Care Before Procedure

Nursing Care Before the Procedure

Client preparation is the same as that for any study involving collection of a peripheral blood sample (see Appendix I).


A venipuncture is performed and the sample collected in a red-topped tube. The sample should be handled gently to avoid hemolysis and transported promptly to the laboratory.

Care After Procedure

Nursing Care After the Procedure

Care and assessment after the procedure are the same as for any study involving the collection of a peripheral blood sample.