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Table 5-31

Toxic Doses and Effects of Industrial and Household Toxins

SubstanceToxic DoseToxic Effects
Aniline50 mg/kgMethemoglobinemia, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity
Arsenic/antimony5 mg/kgGastric hemorrhage, shock
Barium saltsBloody diarrhea, cardiac depression, muscle spasms, respiratory failure, renal failure
Benzene products50 mg/kgCNS depression, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, bone marrow depression, liver damage
Bismuth0.1-3.5 µg/LWeakness, fever, anorexia, black gum line, renal damage
Cadmium>41 ng/mLSevere gastroenteritis, liver damage, acute renal failure; if inhaled as dust or fumes, pulmonary edema
Carbon tetrachloride5-10 mL (total)CNS depression, liver and kidney failure
Chlorate or bromate salts50 mg/kgMethemoglobinemia, intravascular hemolysis, acute renal failure
Cobalt0.11-0.45 µg/LNerve damage, thyroid dysfunction
Copper salts50 mg/kgGeneralized capillary damage, kidney and liver damage
Cyanide>5 mg total (>0.5 mg/100 mL of blood)Confusion, dyspnea, convulsions, death from respiratory failure
DDT50 mg/kgFatigue, confusion, ataxia, convulsions, death from respiratory failure
2.4-DLethargy, diarrhea, cardiac arrest, hyperpyrexia, convulsion, coma
Ergot5 mg/kgGastrointestinal inflammation, renal damage, gangrene of fingers and toes caused by persistent peripheral vascoconstriction
Ethylene glycol>5 mg/kgCNS depression, death from renal failure or respiratory paralysis
Iron salts500 mg/kgBloody diarrhea, shock, liver damage
Fluoride50 mg/kg (0.2-0.3 mg/dL of blood)Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, tremors, hypocalcemia, shock
Formaldehyde500 mg/kgHemorrhagic gastroenteritis, renal failure, circulatory collapse
Hydrogen sulfide0.1-0.2% in airDeath from respiratory paralysis
Sodium hypochloriteSeveral ounces of household bleachEdema of pharynx, glottis, larynx; perforation of esophagus or stomach, pulmonary edema from fumes
Iodine5 mg/kgBloody diarrhea, renal damage, death from asphyxia or circulatory collapse
Ipecac, syrup or fluid extract1-2 oz fluid extract (14 times more concentrated than syrup)Shock caused by intractable vomiting and diarrhea, death from cardiac depression
Isopropyl alcohol500 mg/kgSevere CNS depression, death from respiratory failure or circulatory collapse
Kerosene500 mg/kg if swallowed; few mL lethal if aspiratedSevere chemical pneumonitis, coma
Lead30 g/kg (>120 µg/L blood level)Gastrointestinal inflammation, liver and kidney damage, encephalopathy in children, paralysis of extremities, death from encephalopathy or peripheral vascular collapse
Lye, sodium and potassium hydroxide10 g total dose may be fatalLaryngeal or glottic edema, perforation of esophagus or stomach, severe diarrhea, shock, death
Mercury salts5 mg/kgAcute: Death from acute renal failure or peripheral vascular collapse
Chronic: Progressive peripheral neuritis, death from renal failure
Naphthalene (mothballs)5 g/kgCNS excitement or depression, acute hemolytic anemia, convulsions
Nicotine>5 mg/kgCNS stimulation followed by depression; vomiting, diarrhea, dyspnea, death from respiratory paralysis
Oxalic acid50 mg/kgShock caused by severe gastroenteritis, hypocalcemia, convulsions, renal damage, coma, death
Parathion/organophosphorus insecticides>5 mg/kgVomiting, diarrhea, generalized muscle weakness, convulsions, coma, death, all caused by inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and accumulation of cholinesterase at myoneural junctions
Phosphorus>5 mg/kgPenetrating burns; liver, kidney, and cardiac damage
Quaternary ammonium germicides5 mg/kgCNS depression, dyspnea, death from asphyxia
Rotenone50 mg/kgSevere hypoglycemia, tremors, convulsions, respiratory stimulation followed by depression, death from respiratory arrest
Selenium58-234 µg/LMetallic taste, nausea, vomiting, headache, pulmonary disorders
Silver salts3.5-35 g total doseBloody diarrhea, severe corrosion of the gastrointestinal tract, coma, convulsions, death
Strychnine>5 mg/kgStimulation of spinal cord, tetanic convulsions, death in 1-3 hr (with the face fixed in a grin and the body arched in hyperextension) from anoxia
Thallium salts5 mg/kg (>50 µg/L blood level)Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, encephalopathy (delirium, convulsions, coma), death
Turpentine500 mg/kgAspiration pneumonitis, vomiting, diarrhea, CNS excitement (delirium), stupor, convulsions, coma, death from respiratory failure
Zinc70-50 µg/LHypertension, tachycardia nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, metallic taste