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Triglycerides, which are combinations of three fatty acids and one glycerol molecule, are used in the body to provide energy for various metabolic processes, with excess amounts stored in adipose tissue. Fatty acids readily enter and leave the triglycerides of adipose tissue, providing raw materials needed for conversion to glucose (gluconeogenesis) or for direct combustion as an energy source. Although fatty acids originate in the diet, many also derive from unused glucose and amino acids that the liver and, to a smaller extent, the adipose tissue convert into storage energy.

Altered triglyceride levels are associated with a variety of disorders and also are affected by hormones and certain drugs, including alcohol (Table 5-12). Diets high in calories, fats, or carbohydrates will elevate serum triglyceride levels, which is considered a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

Reference Values

Conventional UnitsSI Units
<2 yr5-40 mg/dL0.06-0.45 mmol/L
2-20 yr10-140 mg/dL0.11-1.58 mmol/L
20-40 yr Men10-140 mg/dL0.11-1.58 mmol/L
20-40 yr Women10-150 mg/dL0.11-1.68 mmol/L
40-60 yr Men10-180 mg/dL0.11-2.01 mmol/L
40-60 yr Women10-190 mg/dL0.11-2.21 mmol/L

Note: Values for serum triglycerides may vary according to the laboratory performing the test. In addition, values have been found to vary in relation to race, income level, level of physical activity, dietary habits, and geographic location as well as in relation to age and gender, as shown here.

Interfering Factors


Care Before Procedure

Nursing Care Before the Procedure

General client preparation is the same as that for any procedure involving collection of a peripheral blood sample (see Appendix I).


A venipuncture is performed and the sample collected in a red-topped tube. The sample should be sent promptly to the laboratory.

Care After Procedure

Nursing Care After the Procedure

Care and assessment after the procedure are the same as for any study involving the collection of a peripheral blood sample.