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The VDRL and RPR tests are flocculation tests for reagin and are used in screening for syphilis. The VDRL test uses heat-inactivated serum and can be made on slides or in tubes. The RPR test uses unheated serum or plasma, which is added to a reagent-treated plasma card. Automated procedures have been adapted for multichannel analyzers.29

Note that these tests are not specific for antibodies to T. pallidum, and many factors, including laboratory procedures, may cause false-positive results (see Table 3-12).

Reference Values

Interfering Factors


Care Before Procedure

Nursing Care Before the Procedure

Client preparation is the same as that for any study involving the collection of a peripheral blood sample (see Appendix I).


A venipuncture is performed and the sample collected in a red-topped tube. The sample must be handled gently to avoid hemolysis and transported promptly to the laboratory.

Care After Procedure

Nursing Care After the Procedure

Care and assessment after the procedure are the same as for any study involving the collection of a peripheral blood sample.