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Table 1-7

Red Blood Cell Abnormalities Seen on Stained Smear

Descriptive TermObservationSignificance
MacrocytosisCell diameter > 8 µm
MCV* > 95 µm3
Megaloblastic anemias
Severe liver disease
MicrocytosisCell diameter < 6 µm
MCV < 80 µm3
MCHC < 27
Iron-deficiency anemia
Anemia of chronic disease
HypochromiaIncreased zone of central pallorDiminished Hgb content
HyperchromiaMicrocytic, hyperchromic cells
Increased bone marrow stores of iron
Chronic inflammation
Defect in ability to use iron for Hgb synthesis
PolychromatophiliaPresence of red cells not fully hemoglobinizedReticulocytosis
PoikilocytosisVariability of cell shapeSickle cell disease
Microangiopathic hemolysis
Extramedullary hematopoiesis
Marrow stress of any cause
AnisocytosisVariability of cell sizeReticulocytosis
Transfusing normal blood into microcytic or macrocytic cell population
LeptocytosisHypochromic cells with small central zone of Hgb ("target cells")Thalassemias
Obstructive jaundice
SpherocytosisCells with no central pallor, loss of biconcave shapeLoss of membrane relative to cell volume
Hereditary spherocytosis
SchistocytosisMCHC highAccelerated red blood cell destruction by reticuloendothelial system
AcanthocytosisPresence of cell fragments in circulationIncreased intravascular mechanical trauma
Microangiopathic hemolysis
EchinocytosisIrregularly spiculated surfaceIrreversibly abnormal membrane lipid content
Liver disease
Regularly spiculated cell surfaceReversible abnormalities of membrane lipids
High plasma-free fatty acids
Bile acid abnormalities
Effects of barbiturates, salicylates, and so on
StomatocytosisElongated, slitlike zone of central pallorHereditary defect in membrane sodium metabolism
Severe liver disease
ElliptocytosisOval cells Hereditary anomaly, usually harmless

Source: Adapted from Sacher, RA, and McPherson, RA: Widmann's Clinical Interpretation of Laboratory Tests, ed 11. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2000 p. 68, with permission.
* Mean corpuscular volume.
† Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration.