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Population: Adults with low-back pain.


ImagesACP 2020, NICE 2020, ICSI 2018, ACR 2021


–Exclude other specific causes of back pain, eg, cancer, infection, trauma, inflammatory disease.

–Consider various nonpharmacologic treatments for acute or subacute low-back pain including superficial heat, massage, exercise program, acupuncture, and spinal manipulation.

–For chronic low-back pain, start a trial of nonpharmacologic treatments including exercise, multidisciplinary rehabilitation, acupuncture, mindfulness-based stress reduction, tai chi, yoga, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, or spinal manipulation.

–Consider behavioral health referral for patients with a high disability and/or who experience significant psychological distress from their low-back pain.

–If pharmacologic treatments are needed, offer NSAIDs (topical or oral) or oral acetaminophen or skeletal muscle relaxants in the lowest effective dose for shortest period of time.

–Obtain imaging in the following situations: persistent or progressive symptoms after 6 wk of optimal medical management; history of prior lumbar surgery with new or worsening symptoms; presence of red flag symptoms.



–Consider epidural steroid injections as an adjunct for acute and subacute low-back pain with a radicular component. (ICSI)

–Avoid routine imaging (x-ray, CT, MRI) in patients with nonspecific or radicular low-back pain without red flag symptoms.

–Do not offer SSRI, SNRI, tricyclic antidepressants, or anticonvulsants for management of low-back pain. (NICE)

–Do not offer spinal fusion for low-back pain. (NICE)

–Do not offer orthotics such as belts, corsets, foot orthotics for low-back pain. (NICE)


Ann Intern Med. 2017;166(7):514-530.

Ann Internal Med. 2020;173(9).

Lancet. 2009;373:463-472.

–NICE practice guidelines: Low Back Pain;

–ICSI. Adult Acute and Subacute Low Back Pain. March 2018.

–ACR. ACR Appropriateness Criteria: Low Back Pain. 2021.