Name ________
Date ________
Age ______
Height ________
Weight ________
BMI ________
Waist Circumference ________
Frontal-Occipital Circumference ________
Vital Signs:
T ________
P ________
R ________
Sitting ________
Standing ________
Lying ________
Examination | Description | Not Examined |
Overall appearance | ||
Skin | ||
Head | ||
Eyes | ||
Ears | ||
Nose and sinuses | ||
Mouth and pharynx | ||
Neck | ||
Thorax and lungs | ||
Breasts and axillae | ||
Heart and peripheral vascular system | ||
Abdomen | ||
Musculoskeletal system | ||
Genitourinary system and rectum | ||
Neurologic | ||
Mental status | ||
Laboratory and other pertinent data |
Use this guide for suggested descriptive terminology for documentation on the Sample Adult Physical Assessment Form.
Be specific, descriptive, and objective. Avoid such terms as "normal," "within normal limits," "good," "fair," "O.K.," and so forth. Describe what you observe rather than make inferences or judgments.
Gender: Male/female.
General grooming: Clean? hair combed? makeup?
Position/posturing: Supine? prone? rigid? opisthotonos? erect? slumped?
Body size: Thin? overweight? obese? emaciated? flabby? weight proportionate to height? mesomorph? endomorph? ectomorph?
Facial expressions: Smiling? frowning? blank? apathetic?
Body language: Eye contact? no eye contact? arms folded over chest?
Other observations: Restless? fidgeting? lying quietly? listless? trembling? tense?
Color and vascularity: Pink? tan? brown? dark brown? grayish? pasty? yellowish? flushed? jaundiced?
Turgor and mobility: Elastic? nonelastic? tenting? wrinkled? edematous? tight?
Temperature and moisture: Cold? cool? warm? hot? feverish? moist? dry? clammy? oily? sweating? diaphoresis?
Texture: Smooth? rough? fine? thick? coarse? scaly? puffy?
Nails: Clean? manicured? smooth? rough? dry? hard? brittle? splitting? cracking? angle of nail bed? clubbing? curved? flat? thick? yellowing? paronychia? Nail beds and lunule: Pale? pink? cyanotic? red? shape of lunule? blanching? spooning?
Body hair growth: Color? thick? thin? coarse? fine? location and distribution on body? hirsutism?
Skin integrity: Intact? not intact? Lesions, birthmarks, moles, scars and rashes (describe shape, size, and location): Nevi? fissures? maculas? papules? pustules? nodules? bullae? cysts? carbuncle? wheals? erythema? excoriation? desquamation? abrasions? cherry angiomas? lentigines? purpura? keratoses? seborrheic keratoses? bruises? insect bites? crusts? warts? pimples? blackheads? bleeding? drainage? lacerations? scaly? ulcers? lichenification?
Shape: Round? oval? square? pointed? normocephalic?
Face: Oval? heart-shaped? pear? long, square? round? thin? high cheekbones? symmetrical?
Sensation (trigeminalCN V): Sensation on three branches? clenched teeth?
Facial CN VII: Facial expressions, smiles?
Hair: Color and growth: coarse? fine? thick? thin? sparse? alopecia? long? short? curly? straight? permed? glossy? shiny? greasy? dry? brittle? stringy? frizzy?
Condition of scalp: Clean? scaly? dandruff? rashes? sores? drainage?
Masses and lumps: Describe location and shape; measure size.
Eyebrows: Color and shape: Alignment? straight? curved? thick? thin? sparse? plucked? scaly?
Eyelashes: Long? short? curved? none? artificial?
Eyelids: Dark? swollen? inflamed? red? stye? infected? open and close simultaneously? ptosis? entropion? ectropion? lid lag? xanthomas?
Shape and appearance of eyes: Almond? rounded? squinty? prominent? exophthalmic? sunken? symmetrical? bright? clear? dull? tearing? discharge? (serous? purulent?) exotropia? esotropia? nystagmus? strabismus?
Sclera: White? cream? yellowish? jaundiced? injected? pterygium?
Conjunctivae: Pale pink? pink? red? inflamed? nodules? swelling?
Iris: Color and shape: Round? not round? coloboma? arcus senilis?
Cornea: Clear? milky? opaque? cloudy?
Pupils (oculomotorCN III) [PERRLA]: Size and shape: (Measure in millimeters) Round? not round? (describe) Equality: Symmetrical? anisocoria? right larger than left? left larger than right? convergence? Reaction to light and accommodation? consensual reaction?
Extraocular movements (oculomotor), trochlear, (abducensCN III, IV, VI): Intact?
Lacrimal glands: Tender? nontender? inflamed? swollen? tearing?
AIDS: Glasses? contact lenses? prosthesis?
Visual fields (opticCN II): Intact?
Vision (opticCN II): Reads newsprint? reports objects across room?
Pinnae:Size and shape: large? small? in proportion to face? protruding? oval? large lobes? small lobes? symmetrical? right larger than left? left larger than right? pinnae irregular? color? skin intact? redness? swelling? tophi? cauliflower ear? furuncles? Darwin's tubercle?
Level in relation to eyes: Top of pinnae level with outer canthus of eyes? top of pinnae lower than outer canthus of eyes? top of pinnae higher than outer canthus of eyes? Canal: Clean? discharge? (serous? bloody? purulent?) nodules? inflammation? redness? foreign object? Cilia: Present/absent? Cerumen: Present/absent? color? consistency?
Tympanic membrane: Color? pearly white? injected? red? inflamed? discharge? cone of light? landmarks? scarring? bubbles? fluid level?
Hearing (auditoryCN VII): Rightpresent/absent? leftpresent/absent? hears watch tick? hears whisper? responds readily when spoken to? Weber: Lateralizes equally? to left/right side? Rinne: Air conduction > bone conduction 2:1? Hearing aid: Right/left.
Nose and Sinuses Inspection and Palpation
Size and shape: Long? short? large? small? in proportion to face? flat? broad? broad based? thick? enlarged? nares symmetrical/asymmetrical? pointed? swollen? bulbous? flaring of nostrils?
Septum: Midline? deviated right/left? perforated?
Nasal mucosa and turbinates: Pink? pale? bluish? red? dry? moist? discharge? (purulent? clear? watery? mucus?) cilia present/absent? rhinnitis? epistaxis? polyps?
Patency of nares: (close each side and ask patient to breathe) Rightpatent/partial obstruction/obstructed? leftpatent/partial obstruction/obstructed?
Olfactory (CN I): Correctly identifies odors?
Sinuses: Tender? nontender? transillumination?
Lips: Color: Pink? red? tan? pale? cyanotic? Shape: Thin? thick? enlarged? swollen? symmetrical/asymmetrical? drooping left side? drooping right side? Condition: Soft? smooth? dry? cracked? fissured? blisters? lesions? (describe)
Teeth: Color and condition: White? yellow? grayish? spotted? stained? darkened? pitting? notched? straight? crooked, protruding? separated? crowded? irregular? broken? notching? peglike? loose? dull? bright? edentulous? malocclusion? presence of dental caps or other appliances? Caries and filings: Number and location? Dental hygiene: Clean? not clean?
Breath odor: Sweet? odorless? halitosis? musty? acetone? foul? fetid? odor of drugs or food? hot? sour? alcohol?
Gums: Pink? firm? swollen? bleeding? sensitive? gingivitis? hypertrophy? nodules? irritated? receding? moist? ulcerated? dry? shrunken? blistered? spongy?
Facial and glossopharyngeal (CN VII and IX): Identifies taste?
Tongue: Macroglossia? microglossia? glossitis? geographic? red? pink? pale? bluish? brownish? swollen? clean? thin? thick? fissured? raw? coated? moist? dry? cracked? glistening? papillae?
Hypoglossal (CN XII): Tongue movement: symmetry? lateral? fasciculation?
Mucosa: Color? leukoplakia? dry? moist? intact? not intact? masses? (describe size, shape, and location) chancre?
Palate: Moist? dry? color? intact? not intact?
Uvula: Color? midline? Remains at midline when saying "ah"? gag reflex present?
Pharynx: Color? petechia? injected? beefy? dysphagia?
Tonsils: Present/absent? cryptic? beefy? size 1+ to 4+?
Temporomandibular joint: Fully mobile? symmetrical? tenderness? crepitus?
Appearance: Long? short? thick? thin? masses? (describe size and shape) symmetrical? not symmetrical?
Thyroid: Palpable? nodules? tender?
Trachea: Midline? deviated to right/left?
Lymph nodes: (Occipital, preauricular, postauricular, submental, submaxillary, tonsilar, anterior cervical, posterior cervical, superficial cervical, deep cervical, supraclavicular): Nonpalpable? tender? lymphadenopathy? shotty? hard? firm?
Thorax and Lungs Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, and Auscultation
Respirations: Rate? tachypnea, eupnea, bradypnea? apnea? orthopnea? labored? stertorous? Rhythm: Regular/irregular? inspiration time greater than expiration time? expiration time greater than inspiration time? spasmodic? gasping? orthopneic? deep? eupneic? shallow? flaring of nostrils with respirations? symmetrical/asymmetrical? right thorax greater than left? left thorax greater than right? ratio of AP diameter to lateral diameter between 1:2 and 5:7? ribs sloped downward at 45-degree angle? well-defined costal space? accessory muscles used? pigeon chest? funnel chest? barrel chest? abdominal or chest breather? skin intact? lesions? color? thin? muscular? flabby?
Posterior thorax: Tenderness? masses? Respiratory excursion: Symmetrical? asymmetrical? no respiratory movements on right/left? subcutaneous emphysema? crepitus? fremitus? estimation of level of diaphragm? spine alignment? tenderness? CVA tenderness? resonance? dull? hyperresonance? diaphragmatic excursion 3 to 5 cm? comparison of one side to the other? suprasternal notch located? costochondral junctions tender? chest wall stable? vocal fremitus?
Lung auscultation: Vesicular? bronchovesicular? bronchial? whispered pectroliloquy? adventitious sounds? rales? rhonchi? wheezes? crackles? rub? bronchophony? egophony?
Breasts and Axillae Inspection and Palpation
Breasts: Male? female? present/absent? color? large? small? well developed? firm? pendulous? flat? flabby? symmetrical/asymmetrical? dimpling? thickening? smooth? retraction? peau d'orange? venous pattern? tenderness? masses? (describe) gynecomastia?
Nipples: Present/absent? circular? symmetrical/asymmetrical? inverted? everted? pale? brown? rose? extra nipples? discharge? deviation? supernumerary?
Axillae: Shaved/unshaved? odor? masses or lumps? (describe size and shape)
Lymph nodes: (Lateral, central, subscapular, pectoral, epitrochlear) palpable? tender? shotty?
Heart and Peripheral Vascular Inspection, Percussion, Auscultation, and Palpation
Heart: Precordial bulge? abnormal palpations? Point of maximum intensity? thrills? heave or lift with pulsation? S1 loudest at apex? S2 loudest at base? S3? S4? splits? clicks? snap? rub? gallop? Murmurs: Systolic? diastolic? holosystolic? harsh? soft? blowing? rumbling? grading 1 through 6? high pitch? medium pitch? low pitch? radiating? pacemaker?
Carotid pulse: Note: Do not check both right and left carotid pulses simultaneously. Volume: Bounding? forceful? strong? full? weak? feeble? thready? symmetrical? right less than left? left less than right? Rhythm: Regular? irregular? symmetrical? asymmetrical? bruits present? absent?
Apical pulse: Record rate; tachycardia? bradycardia/pounding? forceful? weak? moderate? regular/irregular?
Peripheral pulses: (Do not count rate of these pulses except radial.) Record character, volume, rhythm, and symmetry of brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial pulses. Volume: Full? strong? forceful? bounding? perceptible? imperceptible? weak? thready? symmetrical/asymmetrical? right greater than left? left greater than right? Rhythm: Regular? irregular? symmetrical? asymmetrical? Symmetry: Record as symmetrical, right greater than left or left greater than right? Pulse deficit, pulse pressure, BP in both arms, BP lying, sitting, and standing if applicable. Jugular venous distention? (Record centimeters above level of sternal angle.)
Abdomen Inspection, Auscultation, Percussion, Palpation
Contour: Irregular? protruding? enlarged? distended? scaphoid? concave? sunken? flabby? firm? flat? flaccid?
Skin: Color; intact? not intact? shiny? smooth? scars? lesions? (describe size, shape, and type of lesion) striae? umbilicus?
Bowel sounds: Present? absent? hyperactive? high-pitched tinkling? gurgles? borborygmus?
Percussion: Tympanic? dull? flat? (describe where) liver size 6 to 12 cm? splenic dullness 6th to 10th rib? ascites?
Palpation: Splenomegaly? hepatomegaly? organomegaly? masses? aortic pulse? diastasis recti? tenderness? bulges? lower pole of kidneys palpable? inguinal or femoral hernia? inguinal nodes? (describe)
Musculoskeletal Inspection and Palpation
Back: Shoulders level? right shoulder higher than left? left shoulder higher than right? alignment? lordosis? scoliosis? kyphosis? ankylosis?
Vertebral column alignment: Straight? lordosis? scoliosis? kyphosis?
Joints: Redness? swelling? deformity? (describe) crepitation? size? symmetry? subluxation? separation? bogginess? tenderness? pain? thickening? nodules? fluid? bulging? artificial?
Range of motion: Describe as full, limited, or fixed; estimate degree of limitation; assess range of motion of neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, back, hips, knees, ankles, toes.
Extremities: Compare extremities with each other; describe color and symmetry. Temperature: hot, warm, cool, cold, moist, clammy, dry. Muscle tone descriptors are firm, muscular, flabby, flaccid, atrophy? fasciculation? tremor?
Lower extremities: Symmetry? (Describe any variations from normal.) abrasions? bruises? swollen? edema? rashes/lesions? (describe) prosthesis? varicose veins?
Genitourinary and Rectum Inspection
Rectum: Hemorrhoids? inflammation? lesions? skin tags? fissures? excoriation? swelling? mucosal bulging? retrocele?
Female genitalia: Pubic hair distribution and color? nits? pediculosis? lesions? nodules? inflammation? swelling? pigmentation? dry? moist? shriveled, atrophied or full labia? discharge? (describe) odor? asymmetry? varicosities? uterine prolapse? smegma? rash?
Male genitalia: Pubic hair distribution and color? nits? pediculosis? circumcised? uncircumcised? phimosis? epispadias? hypospadias? smegma? priapism? varicocele? cryptorchism, hydrocele? swelling? redness? chancre? crusting? rash? discharge? (describe) edema? scrotal sack rugated? atrophy?
Describe tics, twitches, paresthesia, paralysis, coordination.
Gait: Balanced? shuffling? unsteady? ataxic? parkinsonian? swaying? scissor? spastic? waddling? staggering? faltering? swaying? slow? difficult? tottering? propulsive?
Accessory (CN XI): Shrugs shoulder? symmetry?
Reflexes: Report as present or absent.
Coordination: Report as to test done.
Cranial nerves: May be reported here.
Level of alertness: Alert? stuporous? semicomatose? comatose?
Orientation: Oriented to time, place, and person? confused? disoriented? If confused, check orientation as follows.
Memory: Recent memory: Give patient short series of numbers and ask patient to repeat those numbers later. Long-term: Ask patient to recall some event that happened several years ago.
Language and speech: Language spoken? Speech: Slurred? slow? rapid? difficulty forming words? aphasia?
Responsiveness: Responds appropriately to verbal stimuli? responds readily? slow to respond?
SOURCE:Adapted from Physical Assessment Form 584. Harris College of Nursing, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, 2000, with permission. |