Insidious onset, except malignant type, which is rapid. The first visible change is darkening of pigmentation.
SKIN LESIONS Darkening of pigmentation (Fig. 5-1). As skin thickens, it appears velvety; skin lines accentuated; surface becomes rugose, mamillated. Often has many skin tags in body folds and neck. Malignant type: Hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation more pronounced (Fig. 5-2A). Involvement of oral mucosa and vermilion border of lips (Fig. 5-2B). Hyperkeratosis of the palms/soles, with accentuation of papillary markings, "Tripe hands" (Fig. 5-2C).
DISTRIBUTION Most commonly, axillae (Fig. 5-1); neck (back, sides), groins (Fig. 5-2A), anogenital, antecubital fossae, knuckles, inframammary, and umbilicus. In malignant type, also periocular, perioral, mammillary, and palms (tripe palms) (Fig. 5-2C).
MUCOUS MEMBRANES Oral mucosa: Velvety texture with delicate furrows. Type 5: Mucous membranes and mucocutaneous junctions commonly involved; warty papillomatous perioral thickenings (Fig. 5-2B).
Symptomatic. Treat associated disorder. Topical keratolytics, topical steroids, topical vitamin D analogs.