Standard One- (A), Two- (B), and Three-Compartment (C) Mammillary Pharmacokinetic Models I Represents Any Input into the System (Bolus or Infusion). The Volumes are Represented by V and the Rate Constants by K. The Subscripts on Rate Constants Indicate the Direction of Flow, Noted As Kfrom to.
(From Murray RK, Granner DK, Mayes PA, et al. Harpers Biochemistry. 21st ed. Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange; 1988, with permission.)
Standard one- (A), two- (B), and three-compartment (C) mammillary pharmacokinetic models. I represents any input into the system (bolus or infusion). The volumes are represented by V and the rate constants by k. The subscripts on rate constants indicate the direction of flow, noted as kfrom to.