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la-koe-sa-myde (Vimpat)

Do not confuse lacosamide with zonisamide, or Vimpat with Venofer, Vfend, or Vimovo.



Monotherapy or adjunctive therapy for treatment of partial-onset seizures in pts 4 yrs and older. Adjunctive therapy in treatment of primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures in adult pts 4 years of age and older.


Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to lacosamide. Cautions: Renal/hepatic impairment, cardiac conduction problems (e.g., marked first-degree AV block, second-degree or higher AV block, sick sinus syndrome without pacemaker), myocardial ischemia, HF, pts at risk of suicide.


Selectively enhances slow inactivation of sodium channels, stabilizing hyper-excitable neuronal membranes and inhibits neuronal firing. Therapeutic Effect: Reduces seizure frequency.


Widely distributed. Protein binding: 15%. Peak plasma concentration: 1—4 hrs after oral dosing and is reached at the end of IV infusion. Primarily excreted in urine. Steady-state reached in 3 days. Removed by hemodialysis. Half-life: 13 hrs.

Lifespan Considerations

Pregnancy/Lactation: Use in pregnancy if benefits outweigh risk. Unknown if distributed in breast milk. Children: Safety and efficacy not established in pts younger than 17 yrs. Elderly: No age-related precautions noted.


DRUG: None significant. HERBAL: None significant. FOOD: None known. LAB VALUES: May increase serum ALT; proteinuria.


Injection Solution: 10 mg/mL (20 mL).

Oral Solution: 10 mg/mL.

Tablets: 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg.


  • Give without regard to food.
  • Do not break, crush, dissolve, or divide film-coated tablets.
  • Oral solution should be administered with a calibrated measuring device.
  • Discard any unused portion after 7 wks.
  • Appears as a clear, colorless solution.
  • Discard unused portion or if precipitate or discoloration is present. May give without further dilution.
  • If mixing with diluent, may be stored for 24 hrs at room temperature. Infuse over 30–60 min.


Note: IV dose is same as oral dose. May give undiluted or mixed in compatible diluent and infused over 30–60 min.

Partial-Onset Seizures

PO/IV: ADULTS, ELDERLY: Initially, 50–100 mg twice daily. May increase by 50 mg twice daily at wkly intervals. Maintenance: 150–200 mg twice daily. CHILDREN 4–17 YRS, WEIGHING 50 KG OR MORE: Initially, 50 mg twice daily. May increase by 50 mg twice daily at wkly intervals. Maintenance: 150–200 mg twice daily. WEIGHING 30–49 KG: Initially, 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily. May increase by 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily at wkly intervals. Maintenance: 2–4 mg/kg/dose twice daily. WEIGHING 11–29 KG: Initially, 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily. May increase by 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily at wkly intervals. Maintenance: 3–6 mg/kg/dose twice daily.

Adjunctive Therapy

PO/IV: ADULTS, ELDERLY: Initially, 50 mg twice daily. May increase by 50 mg twice daily at wkly intervals. Maintenance: 100–200 mg twice daily. Maximum: 400–600 mg/day. CHILDREN 4–17 YRS, WEIGHING 50 KG OR MORE: Initially, 50 mg twice daily. Maintenance: 100–200 mg twice daily. WEIGHING 30–49 KG: Initially, 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily. Maintenance: 2–4 mg/kg/dose twice daily. WEIGHING 11–29 KG: Initially, 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily. Maintenance: 3–6 mg/kg/dose twice daily.

Primary Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures

PO/IV: ADULTS, ELDERLY, ADOLESCENTS 17 YRS OF AGE OR OLDER: Initially, 50 mg twice daily. May increase at wkly intervals by 50 mg twice daily. Alternatively, may give 200 mg loading dose, followed 12 hrs later by 100 mg twice daily with same titration schedule. Maintenance: 100–200 mg twice daily. CHILDREN 4–16 YRS: (50 KG OR GREATER): Initially, 50 mg twice daily. May increase at wkly intervals of 50 mg twice daily. Maintenance: 100–200 mg twice daily. (30–49 KG): Initially, 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily. May increase at wkly intervals by 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily. Maintenance: 2–4 mg/kg/dose twice daily. (11–29 KG): Initially, 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily; may be increased at wkly intervals by 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily. Maintenance: 3–6 mg/kg/dose twice daily.

Switch From IV to PO

When switching from IV to PO form, use same equivalent daily dosage and frequency as IV administration.

Switch From PO to IV

When switching from PO to IV form, initial total daily IV dosage should be equivalent to total daily dosage and frequency of PO form and should be infused IV over 30–60 min.

Dosage in Renal Impairment

Use caution when titrating. Mild to moderate impairment: No dose adjustment. Severe impairment, end-stage renal disease: Maximum: 300 mg/day.

Dosage in Hepatic Impairment

Use caution when titrating. Mild to moderate impairment: Maximum: 300 mg/day. Severe impairment: Not recommended.

Side Effects

Frequent (31%–13%): Dizziness, headache. Occasional (11%–5%): Nausea, double vision, vomiting, fatigue, blurred vision, ataxia, tremor, nystagmus. Rare (4%–2%): Vertigo, diarrhea, gait disturbances, memory impairment, depression, pruritus, injection site discomfort.

Adverse Effects/Toxic Reactions

May increase risk of suicidal ideation, behavior. PR interval prolongation, AV block, ventricular tachyarrhythmias may occur. Sudden discontinuation may increase risk of seizures. Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), also known as multiorgan hypersensitivity, has been reported. DRESS may present with facial swelling, eosinophilia, fever, lymphadenopathy, rash, which may be associated with other organ systems, such as hepatitis, hematologic abnormalities, myocarditis, nephritis. Psychiatric conditions (aggression, agitation, hallucinations, psychotic disorder) may occur. Leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia occur rarely.

Nursing Considerations

  • BASELINE ASSESSMENTObtain LFT, renal function test. Review history of seizure disorder (intensity, frequency, duration, level of consciousness). Initiate seizure precautions. Question history of cardiac conduction disorders, depression, suicidal ideation and behavior.INTERVENTION/EVALUATIONMonitor LFT, renal function periodically. Observe for recurrence of seizure activity. Assess for clinical improvement (decrease in intensity/frequency of seizures). Assist with ambulation if dizziness occurs. Assess for suicidal ideation, depression, behavioral changes. Drug should be withdrawn gradually (over a minimum of 1 wk) to minimize potential for increased seizure frequency. Monitor ECG for QT prolongation. Monitor for symptoms of DRESS; cardiac effects.PATIENT/FAMILY TEACHING
  • Strict compliance is essential for seizure control.
  • Avoid tasks that require alertness, motor skills until response to drug is established.
  • Do not abruptly discontinue medication (may cause seizures; symptoms of withdrawal syndrome).
  • Treatment may affect the electrical properties of the heart; report palpitations, loss of consciousness.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if thoughts of suicide, new-onset or worsening of anxiety, depression, or changes in mood occurs.
  • Avoid alcohol, nervous system depressants.
  • Report symptoms of drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (e.g., fever, swollen face/lymph nodes; skin rash/peeling/inflammation).

IV Compatibilities

0.9% NaCl, D5W, lactated Ringer's.