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Rales/Crackles Simulated by rolling hair near ear between two fingers, best heard on inspiration in lower bases, unrelieved by coughing, (e.g., CHF, pneumonia).
Wheezes High-pitched, squeaking sound, best heard on expiration over all lung fields, unrelieved by coughing (e.g., asthma, COPD, emphysema).
Rhonchi Coarse, harsh, loud gurgling or rattling, best heard on expiration over bronchi and trachea, often relieved by coughing (e.g., bronchitis, pneumonia).
StridorLife-Threatening! Harsh, high-pitched, easily audible on inspiration, progressive narrowing of upper airway requiring immediate attention (e.g., partial airway obstruction, croup, epiglottitis).
Absent or
Inability to hear equal, bilateral breath sounds (e.g., pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, hemothorax, or history of pneumectomy).
Documentation Rate, rhythm, depth, effort, sounds (indicate if sound is inspiratory and/or expiratory), and fields of auscultation.