section name header


ISOlfactorySmellHave Pt identify familiar odors (e.g., coffee).
IISOpticVisual acuity

Visual field

Visual acuity (eye chart).

Peripheral vision.

IIIMOculomotorPupillary reactionAssess pupils for equality and reactivity to light.
IVMTrochlearEye movementHave Pt follow your finger without moving head.
VBTrigeminalFacial sensation


Touch face and assess for sharp and dull sensation.

Have Pt hold mouth open.

VIMAbducensAbduction of eyeHave Pt follow your finger without moving head.
VIIBFacialFacial expression

Sense of taste

Have Pt smile, wrinkle face, puff cheeks.

Differentiate between sweet and salty taste.



Snap fingers close to Pt's ears.

Feet together, arms at side with eyes closed for 5 sec.

IXBGlossopharyngealSwallowing and voiceHave Pt swallow and then say "Ah."
XBVagusGag reflexUse tongue depressor or swab to elicit gag reflex.
XIMSpinal accessoryNeck motionHave Pt shrug shoulders or turn head against resistance.
XIIMHypoglossalTongue movementHave Pt stick out tongue and move it from side-to-side.

B = both sensory and motor; M = motor only; S = sensory only.