section name header





ß beta

@ at

# pound, quantity

" inch

® right

L .jpgleft

B bilateral




none.jpgnone, no


/ per or divided by

< less than

> greater than

° degrees

Rx treatment, prescription

µ micro

AAAnavigator.png abdominal aortic aneurysm

ABC automated blood count (airway, breathing, circulation)

ABD abdominal (dressing)

ABG arterial blood gas

AC before meals (a.m.), antecubital

ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme

ACLS advanced cardiac life support

ACS acute coronary syndrome

ACTH adrenocorticotropin hormone

AD right ear, Alzheimer's disease

ADA American Diabetes Association

ADH antidiuretic hormone

ADHD attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

ADLs activities of daily living

ADR adverse drug reaction

AED automated external defibrillator

AHA American Heart Association

AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

AKA above knee amputation

ALOC altered level of consciousness

ALS advanced life support, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

AMI acute myocardial infarction


AMSaltered mental status, acute mountain sickness

AP anterior to posterior

APAP abbreviation for acetaminophen, Tylenol

APGAR appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration

aPTT activated partial thromboplastin time

AS left ear

ASA abbreviation for aspirin

AU both ears

AV atrioventricular

AVB atrioventricular block

AVM arteriovenous malformation

AVPU alert, verbal, painful, unresponsive

BBBnavigator.png bundle branch block

BCC, BCCabasal cell carcinoma

BE barium enema, base excess

bid twice a day

BKA below knee amputation

BM bowel movement

BMI body mass index

BP blood pressure

BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia

BPM beats per minute

BS blood sugar, bowel sounds

BSA body or burn surface area

BUN blood urea nitrogen

BVM bag-valve mask


°C degrees Celsius, centigrade

C & S or CSnavigator.png culture and sensitivity

Ca++ calcium

CA cancer

CADcoronary artery disease

CBC complete blood count

CBG chemical blood glucose

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CF cystic fibrosis

CHBcomplete heart block

CHF congestive heart failure

CI cardiac index


CNS central nervous system

CO carbon monoxide, cardiac output

CO2 carbon dioxide

COPDchronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPchest pain, cerebral palsy

CPAP continuous positive airway pressure

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CSF cerebrospinal fluid

CSM circulation sensory and motor

CT computed tomography

CV cardiovascular

CVAcerebrovascular accident

CVC central venous catheter

CVP central venous pressure

Cx circumflex coronary artery

D5Wnavigator.png 5% dextrose in water

DBP diastolic blood pressure

DC discontinue, direct current

DIC disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

DKAdiabetic ketoacidosis

dL deciliter

DMdiabetes mellitus

DOPE dislodgment, obstruction, pneumothorax, equipment

DTdelirium tremens

DTS distance, time, shielding

DVT deep vein thrombosis

DZ, Dz disease

eAGnavigator.pngestimated average glucose

ECG or EKG electrocardiogram

EDerectile dysfunction, emergency department (ER)

EFM electronic fetal monitoring

EMS emergency medical services

EPS extrapyramidal symptoms

ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate

ET endotracheal

ETOH abbreviation for alcohol

ETT endotracheal tube

°F degrees Fahrenheit

F and Enavigator.png fluid and electrolytes

Fe iron

FFP fresh frozen plasma

FHR fetal heart rate

Fr, fr French

GCSnavigator.png Glasgow Coma Scale

GI gastrointestinal

gtt drop

GU genitourinary

H & Hnavigator.png hemoglobin and hematocrit

h, hr hour

H+ hydrogen ion


HACE high-altitude cerebral edema

HAPE high-altitude pulmonary edema

HAZMAT hazardous material

HB heart block

HCl hydrogen chloride

HCO3 carbonic acid

Hct hematocrit


HELLPhemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets

Hgb hemoglobin

HHNS hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar, nonketotic syndrome

HIV human immunodeficiency virus

HOB head of bed

HRT hormone replacement therapy

HS hour of sleep (nighttime)


HVShyperventilation syndrome

IBCnavigator.png iron binding capacity

IBDirritable bowel disease

IBSirritable bowel syndrome

IBW ideal body weight

IC incident commander

ICP intracranial pressure

ICS intercostal space

ID intradermal

IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

IHSS idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis

IM intramuscular

IN intranasal

INH abbreviation for isoniazid

INR international normalized ratio

IO intraosseous

I/O intake and output

IV intravenous

IVC inferior vena cava

IVF Intravenous fluid

IVP Intravenous push

IVPB Intravenous piggyback

Jnavigator.png joule

JVD jugular vein distention

K+ potassium

KBnavigator.png knife blade (scalpel)

KClpotassium chloride

kg kilogram

LADnavigator.png left anterior descending

LAT lateral

LBBBleft bundle branch block

LLQ left lower quadrant

LMAlaryngeal mask airway

LNMP last normal menstrual period

LOC level of consciousness

LPM liters per minute

LR lactated Ringer's (solution)

LTC left to count

LUQ left upper quadrant

mAnavigator.png milliampere

MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor

MAP mean arterial pressure

MAR medication administration record

MAST military antishock trousers

MCA motorcycle accident

mcg microgram

MCI mass casualty incident

MCL modified chest lead

mEq milliequivalent

mg milligram


MgSO4magnesium sulfate

MHmalignant hyperthermia

MI myocardial infarction

min minute, minimum

mL milliliter

mm millimeter

mm Hg millimeter of mercury

MRI magnetic resonance imaging

MRSAmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

MSmorphine sulfate, multiple sclerosis, musculoskeletal

MSO4 morphine sulfate

MVA motor vehicle accident

Na+ sodium

NADnavigator.png no apparent/acute distress

NaHCO3sodium bicarbonate

NG nasogastric

NGT nasogastric tube

NI nasointestinal

NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

NPA nasopharyngeal airway

NPO nothing by mouth

NRB nonrebreather

NS normal saline

NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

NSR normal sinus rhythm


NTP nitroglycerin paste

n/vnausea and vomiting

O2 oxygen

OCDnavigator.png obsessive compulsive disorder

OD overdose, right eye

OLMC online medical control

OPA oropharyngeal airway

OPP organophosphate

OPQRST onset, provocation, quality, radiation, severity, timing

OS left eye

OT occupational therapy

OTC over the counter

OU both eyes

oz ounce


PACnavigator.png premature atrial complex

PAD peripheral artery disease

PaO2 partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood

PAP pulmonary artery pressure

PASG pneumatic antishock garment

PCI percutaneous intervention

PCW pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

PDApatent ductus arteriosus

PEpulmonary embolism, edema

PEA pulseless electrical activity

PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure

PERRL pupils equal, round and reactive to light

PET positron emission tomography

PFIB perfluoroisobutene

pH potential of hydrogen

PICC peripherally inserted central catheter

PIHpregnancy-induced hypertension

PJC premature junctional complex

PMI point of maximal impulse

PMS premenstrual syndrome

PO per os (by mouth, orally)

PPD purified protein derivative (tuberculosis skin test)

PPE personal protective equipment

PPFplasma protein fraction

PPV positive pressure ventilation


PRBC packed red blood cells

PRI PR interval

prn as needed

PSA prostate-specific antigen

PSI pounds per square inch

PSVTparoxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

Pt patient

PT prothrombin time, physical therapy

PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder

PTT partial thromboplastin time

PVC premature ventricular complex

PVDperipheral vascular disease

q, Qnavigator.png every

qid four times per day

qod every other day

Rnavigator.png regular (insulin)

RArheumatoid arthritis

RBBBright bundle branch block

RCA right coronary artery

RL Ringer's lactate (solution)

RLQ right lower quadrant

ROM range of motion, rupture of membranes

RR respiratory rate

RSI rapid sequence intubation

RSV respiratory syncytial virus

RT respiratory therapy, right

RTS revised trauma score

RUQ right upper quadrant


SAMPLEnavigator.png signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, pertinent history, last oral intake, events leading up

SaO2 oxygen saturation

SBP systolic blood pressure

SC or SQ subcutaneous

SCC squamous cell carcinoma

SIstroke index

SLP speech language pathology

SLUDGEM salivate, lacrimate, urinate, defecate, gastrointestinal distress, emesis, miosis or muscle twitching

SOB shortness of breath

SpO2 pulse oximeter

ss, s/s signs and symptoms

STD sexually transmitted disease

SV stroke volume

SVC superior vena cava

SVR systemic venous resistance

Tnavigator.png temperature

TB tuberculosis

TBSA total burn surface area

TCA tricyclic antidepressant

TCP transcutaneous pacing

TF tube feeding

TIAtransient ischemic attack

tid three times per day

TKO to keep open (30 mL/hr)

TPNtotal parenteral nutrition

TPR temperature, pulse, respirations

TVP transvenous pacing

u, Unavigator.png unit

UA urinalysis

UCulcerative colitis

UO urine output

URIupper respiratory infection

UTI urinary tract infection

VADnavigator.png vascular access device

VFventricular fibrillation

VREvancomycin-resistant Enterococcus

VRSA vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

VT ventricular tachycardia

WBCnavigator.png white blood count

WC wheel chair

WMD weapons of mass destruction

WPW Wolff-Parkinson White (syndrome)