Results from one of four mechanisms-(1) decreased production or release of neutrophils from the bone marrow, (2) a shift of neutrophils from the circulating pool within the large vessels to the marginating pool, adhered to the endothelium of capillaries, (3) increased migration into the tissues from the blood due to severe inflammation/tissue consumption, and (4) immune-mediated destruction.
Systems Affected
Deficient Neutrophil Production, Stem Cell Death, or Inhibition
Reduced Hematopoietic Space Secondary to Myelophthisis
Cyclic Stem Cell Proliferation
Neutrophil Migration
A shift in neutrophils from the circulating neutrophil pool to the marginating neutrophil pool occurs in patients with endotoxemia. Thought to be the mechanism behind neutropenia in septicemic animals due to Bartonella spp. and other bacteria. During the acute phase, neutropenia suggests intense tissue recruitment in response to endothelial damage caused by Rangelia vitalii infection. Anaphylaxis is another, although uncommon, cause.
Reduced Survival
Risk Factors
Differential Diagnosis
Factors That May Erroneously Alter Laboratory Results
Other Laboratory Tests
Survey radiography and ultrasonography may help locate occult sites of infection not apparent during physical examination.
Diagnostic Procedures/Pathologic Findings
Appropriate Health Care
Maintain hydration when administering sulfa drugs to prevent renal crystallization.
Patient Monitoring
Possible Complications
Secondary infections
Associated Conditions
Secondary infection, sepsis
Age-Related Factors
Repopulation of bone marrow with hematopoietic cells is more difficult in middle-aged and old animals because of age-related reduction in stem cell numbers.
Pregnant Animals
See Also
Author Jennifer L. Owen
Consulting Editor Alan H. Rebar
Acknowledgment The author and editors acknowledge the prior contribution of A. Rick Alleman.
Suggested Reading
Neutropenia in dogs and cats: causes and consequences. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2012, 42:111122.
, .Supporting the veterinary cancer patient on chemotherapy: neutropenia and gastrointestinal toxicity. Top Companion Anim Med . 2009, 24:122129.