Boys with Bilateral Undescended Testes (Normal Phallus)
Boys with Bilateral Undescended Testes (Normal Phallus) Undescended (Cryptorchid) Testicle Undescended (Cryptorchid) Testicle

Boys with Bilateral Undescended Testes (Normal Phallus)

Boys with Bilateral Undescended Testes (Normal Phallus)

Boys with Bilateral Undescended Testes (Normal Phallus)




Testes present

Testes present

Testes present

Testes absent

Testes absent

Testes absent

Operate to bring down testes (or observe if <1 year of age)

Operate to bring down testes (or observe if <1 year of age)

Operate to bring down testes (or observe if <1 year of age)

Operate to bring own testes (consider persistent Müllerian duct syndrome)

Operate to bring own testes (consider persistent Müllerian duct syndrome)

Operate to bring own testes (consider persistent Müllerian duct syndrome)

No sergery required (anorchia)

No sergery required (anorchia)

No sergery required (anorchia)

Serum Müllerian inhibiting substance assay

Serum Müllerian inhibiting substance assay

Serum Müllerian inhibiting substance assay

Normal levels

Normal levels

Normal levels

Undetectable levels

Undetectable levels

Undetectable levels

Stimulate with human chorionic gonadotropin

Stimulate with human chorionic gonadotropin

Stimulate with human chorionic gonadotropin

Increase in testosterone

Increase in testosterone

Increase in testosterone

No testosterone response

No testosterone response

No testosterone response