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  1. Determining the number of milliliters per hour
    TOTAL VOLUME/TOTAL TIME = Hourly infusion rate (volume to infuse each hour)
    Example: 1,000 mL to be infused over 6 hr: 1,000/6 = 167 mL/hr
  2. Determining flow rate in gtts per minute
    TOTAL FLUID VOLUME/TOTAL TIME (minutes) × DROP FACTOR/(drops/mL) = INFUSION RATE (drops/min)
    Example: Volume ordered is 1,000 mL of D5W over 6 hr; tubing drop factor is 15 drops/mL × 15 drops/mL
    1000 mL/6(60) min × 15 drops/mL = 15,000 drops/360 min = 41.7 or 42 drops/min
  3. Or using hourly infusion rate (see above):
    167 mL × 15 drops/60 min/mL = 41.7 or 42 drops/min